"Metalodiod" by mozaika [Novice]
DDNet 04/20/2024 9:23 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 04/20/2024 9:23 PM
vena6080 04/20/2024 9:34 PM

the gameplay looks old and like ddmax, you need to play the other maps on the game, and the most recent maps to compare. giving weapons or power for 1 utilization, then off the power or putting shield not not a good way to map. they is many cheat (1 exmple in the screen, can keep the inf jump) the design also looks old+ they is no diff between freeze and tele, some other things are not mark.

vena6080 04/20/2024 9:34 PM

some part are unbalanced, and this part in the screen is just a bait

vena6080 04/20/2024 9:35 PM

the most important, is too play and gain experience before mapping, look the possibility in mapping used in other maps.

vena6080 04/20/2024 9:35 PM


tsin666 04/21/2024 2:35 AM

"looks old and like ddmax" ehhh will they ever learn that this kind of statements mean nothing to new mappers and only confuse them. Gameplay looks and feels like ddnet : https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=Ice+Water https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=Tiny+Tandem https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=Chicken+Pie https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=Bubbles

I wonder if you will ever learn not to use ddmax as a reference for your lack of functionality of describing things and writing truth.

notzepka 04/21/2024 4:31 AM


notzepka 04/21/2024 4:31 AM


tsin666 04/21/2024 4:42 AM

Dear mapper the above was not to you but to vena. Hotzepka please check newer maps. The map you currently gave to testing have basic parts and thats not the thing that players seek nowadays. I encourage you to make lil bit more complex parts and try to make a more eye candy visuals of whole map(try other tilesets etc)

Hope to see you soon with a new and more modern map with less simple drag parts =]