this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Tested with Yumiko, changed some moments

Tested with TDPL and uq

map is really nice, didn't find any bugs

my only complaint is the rocket part at the left most side of the map being a bit harder than the rest of the parts, but maybe it's just me

Well, this is cool hard solo, flow feels good throughout the whole map even the pre last airnade+double rocket wall part isn't break it, once u did it, it comes easily next try, so it's not the part u will stuck, moreover if u got there it means this part won't stop u. Also want to say that i hope u will keep this micro skip (the vid down) or even take it like part should actually works, cuz i didn't like this wallnade shit, if i would do the wallnade i can take back my words that none of the parts are ruining the flow https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/833788382240833556/1012488317222269029/microskip.demo.mp4

I think this way hard and faily enough, so i’d left as it rn, big thanks for test

Map parts means different ways to pass them

A little addition, that's cool map isn't that big, keep it like this

Rate as 5 stars please


added respawn to have feature /save /load

Changed laser part, grenade part, jetpack part, balanced parts.

pretty cool map with nice ideas and good flow. would rate it 5 stars, its hard to learn imo 😄

Fixed last part jetpack entitie

thank you very much for testing!

awesome map... if it wasn't that impossible

Thank you tux! Fixed this one.

Ok cool

@Arrowtake a look at this map please

Ping whole testing team it usually works

Please test it, 24 days w/o official tester look

damn only 24 days must be nice

Its day 25, its getting serious..

not even 3 years

Didn’t knew dat 🤌

When release the best 5* solo map called Fazes?

I saw it

We'll keep it a secret

I saw too


no life gang 👍 👍

About the map, I tested it with coradax and VéNa. There are a few things that I'd like to discuss but I'm not a solo player. This is beyond my capabilities and what I enjoy playing so I might be biased.

I'm waiting for a reply and more opinions on the gameplay


Its a feature 😂

This placed to prevent avoiding entity

Tele placed to prevent edge stuck

No reason, just get good high, and you pass it i bet

What can i do with it?

I will think about this part

I meant that it's not centered, it doesn't display all the tiles

A quarter circle is a teleport at the top but not at the bottom, it's not consistent

It would just be less annoying

Show me how you do it to make sure I didn't do it wrong otherwise if it's as I think it's far from fun

But you cant get under, no sense probably, but ok

I dont have pc rn, uq, TDPL, Chrona, n9 can show it

Sure, I'll wait 🙂

I could write them

Thanks !

Bro it was hard asf, that’s easy rn idk 😄

I'll wait for the recording

Good sifficult for first part

Changed jetpack part a bit, fixed screenshots exclude faces, since for real it's planned

And exclude first part, because i like it

The bot seems to have issues



You can cut half of the map by saving the rocket, going into tele 2, getting the jetpack and going to the end

Wow, ok i will fix it

Amazing trick Cireme

I think fixed

Could prob skip first part to the end too
Its super close to skip

It's either the bot is bugged or I can't see the fix 😮

Im added kill tiles

Probably bot didn’t uploaded

Can you provide video please, and i will fix it


Its not sure

I didnt make it but it looked possible kinda

made it 2 tiles longer

Removed live freeze on jetpack part


The map is short and yet too unbalanced

Is has some nice ideas but not well mapped

It would be better to start clean, with less entities and with an overall equal difficulty


Thanks for feedback