
disbalance - my main enemy

Bro why you created only solo mapsπππππ€π€π€

is there something wrong with that

shit part, you have to slow but still keep some speed then perfect sg up perffect sg right

also kinda sad that the laser is used only 1 time

good map in generale.

Cus its easy to map, u can solo test map and others stuff. Also this way is fastest possible way to learn to mapping. next level is dummy and then brutal and higher, and last one is moderate ||and higher|| maps with well placed special tiles.

puzzle maps are the peak of mapping

the above comments have been corrected
it would be great if you could point out the disbalance (where it is too easy and where it is too difficult)

i've tried that, and this is is unbalance xd, for the rest i need to check

nice map

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

damm many thing i just said and he didn't fix xdd, for the shielf u sure he can dj and skip it ? maybe for the first platform if u fall exatly on the side out of the platform

its not about skipping shields. You just need to see them and notice them

ah ok, for me it's better to hide them so the ugly shield dancing is not flying, there is this in many maps

guys please decline, exosphere only makes unfun maps D:

testing isnt the place for summary judgments, saying "its bad" or "its good" does nothing for mappers

u need to send screens with an advice on how u want to see a part changed, and if ur not comfortable giving advice then at least describe what the problem is

yes plz, apply this advice to other mappers and channels and I will happily do the same!

His maps make me cry every time tho

this is a map testing channel

if u think his maps are bad explain why, dont just be rude

map bad, couldnt complete it

-# cool map

i liked the map


but i feel some sg parts are to hard compared to rocket parts

they r gonna try to slow down an then hit the up wards sg

an that feels so hard

and i agree w Vena

laser is only used 1 time π¦

Happy new year


next map: S-class (dummy)

hopefully its gonna be more interesting than this one

guys I take it back, exosphere is nitro boaster, so the map is amazing, 10/10 would play again, plz release now

btw, the map has been in "waiting mapper" for a year now xd

Because you didnt fix anything that testers said

(for a whole year!!!!



this map doesn't stand out in any way, I don't like it

if there are any ideas then I will upload this map to


Are you going to come back soon with a great idea wondering why you left it like last time?
