this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Seems like you played to much stronghold and bit/bitd. First parts look like cheap fakes, i'm against releasing maps like that. Most parts are just stolen and/or changed a bit. Not much new stuff or creativity to see there imo.

why are there 3 suns? and some weird lines on bg (make far stars, galaxies para X & Y 2, the "suns" 3 and "small stars" 5, better parallax)

this map looks like grim reaper stronghold

can u show some examples of "stolen parts" pls

The 3 suns are meant to be stars on a night sky in space, I thought I'd look kinda cool, like being in another galaxy or something^^ I will change the Para for the stars and look how it looks, thanks for your feedback :)

They are actually cool and well made. But maybe they are too too bright (full 255 alpha, it attracts ppls eyes to it) and also it will look cooler if u add different sizes of it. Like really really small further in the bg and some mid range and some close like this ones rn.

Which parts do you feel like are "stolen"? If you mean the hammerhit parts in between the "real" parts I'm sorry, that wasn't the plan, but it's actually hard to bring a lot of variation into those kind of parts, as they are only hammerhit parts. And true, it's a map inspired by the playstyle of stronghold, bit, bitd or back in the sky or even the new released map Arctic Frost, but that was my intention to be like that. I like these kinds of maps a lot, they are perfect to play as teams of 4 tees when you're experienced, but they are aswell a hell lot of fun to play in t0 when you're not that skilled. These maps perfectly show what the "mentality" of the teeworlds community is to me, that you don't have to know the people you play with, in maps like these everybody helps everybody when you are in t0 and everybody is friendly and it doesn't matter if you start the map over and over again. Maybe it's just my personal feeling about these kind of maps but I don't think we have 'too many' of those maps on ddnet, especially as there are a lot of new players due to the DDNet release on steam that will be on a skill level for playing around on stronghold, bit, bitd etc. or this map. I will of course change parts or things if needed, can you give me an example of which parts you meant in particular?

Good idea, thank you! I will try some different sizes an brightnesses later :)

good, i will check parts later too

for the galaxies hm add some fog behind the lines so it looks more realistic and some accumulated "dots as stars" ontop and around it that will look better. After that, bg top 👍

read mapper rules before submit

im tired of explaining the rules again and again

simple hh map with some easy parts and cheatable parts xd + gores, too much gores

thanks for your feedback. I acatually read the mapper rules before mapping, again yesterday before submitting and now again after you message. Which rule do you consider broken in my map?

hd things

I'm sorry this is my first map, could you be more precise on what you mean? I went through the rules again, but still dont know what you mean 😦

All non-gameplay relevant decorations should be marked as 'detail' in the editor. Map credits are excluded.

background things too

Also the most important thing, if you want your map released, make original gameplay

parts in this map are just stolen (don't have an other word for it) or it's just hh parts

i agree with you and i love t0 maps too but don't forget the creativity

dude you can clearly see he didnt steal he used 1x1 blocks and not 3x3 for the parts


Agree with Silex, t0 maps are fun if it has unique gameplay

Damn doesn't feel good to see this lol. I really didn't know my map is so similar to others in some parts, that was not my intention

I don't know if I'll be able to change these or if I just make a new map with whole different parts, so I think you can decline it

@Silexi really didn't know I mapped so similar to existing parts, that was not my intention

Except for the stronghold edge part, that part was actually inspired by stronghold because I thought it would fit into the map, in a changed way of course, but still

rly nice design :oo

Thank you buddy :) I'll keep the design when I change the map/make a new one^^

decline for now or waiting
@Bennji | Mats
do you think its possible to make changes that would make the map releasable or would it be too much? and what does waiting mean, is there a time limit or something?

60 days on waiting

cause i would like to keep the general idea of the map, not sure tho if its worth the effort of changing parts if it's not going to be released in the end

then put it on waiting and I'll see what i can do

change gore or delete cause its way too long and ddnet idk if they accept gores might not, and also from the gores to the speedfly part. Those arent really hh, they look more random than actual parts you know. Try to do parts like the beginning ones

"right side of image" for example like that one u made but more creative and different ways to get through

all beginning parts till the gores are "ok", needs more variations no just hh and a wall of freeze. And try to avoid repetition. For example right at the beginning u made 2 times going up why, you could've done something much better

also this, imo is not fun at all. Even if its a hh map. Having to pass though so many is boring

maybe u can combine 2 or 3 with ways to go etc that u actually need them or smth


i dont think this part is a problem since its just a hammerhit to a block and catch alot of map have this

but i agree with the rest

same with this it looks the same but its not the same gameplay to get in

this is litterally same but different block position

the gameplay?

just mirror your map XD




Is there a fixed version coming here or should I decline the map? It's almost 60 days

oh sorry you can decline the map


Hope u start a new one


gl on your next map :)

@wsikeand thanks for reminding me haha ❤️

And remember if you need any help, you can ask on "mapping" 😄

i will, ty
@コズミック猫😄 ❤️