this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

I wanted to bring something short and easy so dummy maps can rebirth a bit. Lately the maps that has been uploaded are 3*+ except for Portalgeist, but we should encourage mappers to upload easy maps from time to time

also i wanted to call this map Cloudy but is already taken by a ddmax map

blue unhook and blue hook looks a bit sumular because of same colour ... confusing a bit

pretty cool ideas and map , reminds me #deleted-channel map 😄 omg it will be cool if jaomp got released and after some days this map so it will like tutorial how mehanic works .

I don't know if you want to delete this thing.

unhk Can only be used for decoration?

Or is there any other use? I think he and grass'' are the same.

yes i will

idk, maybe the grass should be hookable

wdym? you can see it when you play xd


Fixed visuals, and bugs

good map

gameplay well balanced

and interesting

agree with I.K.U it's a good/short map

$waiting talked to mapper in game

I fix some issues that i found seeing tatak, and added grass

lowered a bit the kb

The colors need a rework

The stones are looking awful too

The shapes are too sharp and too detailed


Can cheat here (don't know if the second one is intended)

idk what colors you dont like, imo they all match, every tiles are on a decent palette ¿maybe the blue on the unhook tileset? if is that i agree, besides if more ppl complain about the design (color wise) ill change it

The main issue is the stones

not intended 😛

the one on the left has been used in all yeyous and who knows which map has been used too and nobody has complained 😄

about the colour ill use a less saturated blue on the unhoo tile

also if i reduce it would produce a space between tiles and would look uglier

in all, everything seems to be fine


fixed, ty

idk its okay?

ooh dam i forgot


thats the intended way

ah xD

its all

and yes, check the entire map for corners

too lazy for that

I think 2* star

I finish it in 1 try but i died here

there are only 3 places where you can die, this is at the start and on the rocket and in jetpack part , so the map is not faily

yes, is made for 2 stars

xD i think is okay, you just got trolled

But ye, really cool map 😄

should be fixed

ty for testing

Ye is okay


The physics of the game seems no care about to add more speed when you are on the same tune, like for example if you run on the first tune you get idk 300, and then when you touch the second tune yo don’t get 600 you keep the same (300). So whatever

Imo, should add speeders in entities to show what each tune does

i would have to put arrows but idk it may be a bit ¿confusing?

Could just do what jaomp did

do it

to me its safer than the actual way


also added grass on the top

cute tee

cool map 👍


fun fact the part was like that or similar but i changed it because was killing the flow

i didnt putted there because there are already too much going on there, like the infy jump and no hook

i want to force using the jp

so i rather let it as it is, like is not that bad imo


U still use jetpack, but it's not so hard

i mean yeah, but you in that way it would be optional, i already tested it

I mean b4 u take always cp2, maybe it's done when u higher the platform like in picture

I think it's a little bit too hard

Really enjoyed playing thru this map!

Best skip ever!

just a design bug

Arrow forgot to put arrow xD


$ready 2

Have to play it again, but should be ready

rn it feels like u force the part with useless tiles (hookblocker)

rest should be ok


The whole map relies on those jump and speed pads, it gives the idea of movement and of flow, yet it's quite the opposite

Think again about the flow, right now it's not consistent


What a hassle

Is really easy to understand, and an important fact, this is a dummy map so a noob won’t play it. Also is better like that because if I let the floor open it won’t be clean, leads to confusion and the dummy can be drooped there

Yes I agree, I wanted to use the dummy there so you can feel that your not playing a solo map basically

The parts are clearly separated from each other, so is intended just for the part itself, so at least for me is okay

Fixed above

the map is basically ready if you want to take a look whenever


Just leave the tele to finish..

tbh i would put at least a little mark in the design




i uploaded the wrong file

Good map other than that, should probably be ready after these changes. Nice design. 👍


um thats the whole point of it xd

if you concern is about is too long, i strongly disagree

at first, you have to throw the dummy as high as possible, then jump to reach the unfreeze and spam the space bar to make the part even shorter.

i deleted the freeze on the last part, but i kept how the jump

but you could just move the unfreeze up and it would be way better

The main issue I see with this is that it doesn't suit this map at all. Pipou already pointed out that your map is more or less designed to make up the idea of flow and quickness; this part is therfore against everything the rest of your map is trying to be. And not only that, this is also the only part that doesn't use the main tune zone mechanic. In fact, the jetpack part doesn't either but it still fits into the main theme of the map (namely quick play, flow etc.). The parts of your map should somewhat match each other especially in such short maps that rely on one mechanic.

This is the message by Pipou that I'm referring to btw

ye no, i get it, thats why i made it shorter

i made the hammer part shorter, also i made the hammer stronger

wrong version

spawn is not at it place

additionally the fixes you already applied are gone

Por la puta

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

the freeze that i kept is just for design

those type of corners are okay

Your whole corner style etc seems to be incosistent, make sure to check it again, there are plenty of bugs or rather incosistencies

Other than that I think your map should be ready. 👍 I'd rate it 2* as of now


Fixed above

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Yeah, the map is made for 2 stars


$ready 2

First ready set by Trial Tester. It needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.

god dammit

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).


Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

some fixes about the corners


$ready 2

The map is now ready to be released!

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!