this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

its all ok?

its all ok?

you can test my map


but besides that map is way too short, and just not really creative enough to be released so fixing small things won't fix that

i can make more

but now not . its 4am


i think it needs to be at least 5 times longer also the style is very oldschool, you will need something a bit mode modern

what i can use?



what i can use

for design?




i would first concentrate on gameplay

im sad , why i dont can play this map with my friends 😦


you can, upload it to https://trashmap.timakro.de/

and than you can play with your friends



i want look


i can put this map


in server

what? xD

not not

i know now

if you look for "meh" in server list there you can join

i can change the country?

GER = 254 ping


u can change it to South AFrica

trashmap only hosts a server in germany, if you want to host a public server that ask that question
#questionsor visit this page https://forum.ddnet.tw/viewtopic.php?t=5095

not only germany?

ah ok


i from brazil , so south africa = 9999999999999999inf


u can host ur own server


i dont know

only make lan


im not expert how to open server for friend, u can try ask in

oh he already asked there 6 hours ago

well until this map is in testing you can still play it with your friens, just go on a testing channel (looking for TEST on ddnet tab) and pw = nimrocks
I guess Testing Chile or USA should have a better ping for you

Cøke17.11.2020 To join a DDNet test server, you must attempt to join one and fill the password request by entering : nimrocks DDNet test servers can be found in the DDNet tab in the DDNet client.
To obtain admin powers on test servers, press F2, skip the "enter username" step by leaving it blank and press enter, then type the following password : test4321 You now have access to a restricted list of commands such as : super, unsuper, up, down ... more info on https://ddnet.tw/settingscommands/ under the Server Command section. To use a command, type it in the F2 console and finally hit enter.

for public server 1 need white ip(ask provider) 2 open port (if u have router) 3 set up server settings( sv_register 1)

i make other map

since it seems like you made this map to play with your friends, I will decline it for now. you're always welcome to repload this map when you put effort into making the map more ddrace friendly. at the beginning of this thread I pointed out stuff that could help you.


ReD new tester! 😳