this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


also spawnpoint is in the wrong spot

Ah thanks lmao. Forgot to change that xd

Move the kill kills above the freeze to see them better

The stars look cheap because of the quality loss

Is corneum fine with you adding his name to your map's name ?


Also change the marking of switches and maybe place it above the freeze, we can scarcely see it, or adjust the darkness of the freeze

Using blockers to prevent cheats is cheap, there is almost always a way around

I'll rls the update tmrw morning...



Fixed time cps


Just sent the wrong file to myself 4 times... tf is wrong with me... .-.

.-. My brain is dead...

cool map but it's missing explosions

everything is better with explosions

Just load the map on 12 different clients, that's sure to cause a major one irl!

Hi, i went through the map and what i can say is that are some cool parts but not well done, therefore, makes it a bad map that cant be released, structurally speaking the gameplay is not good, there are uncomfortable spots that won’t let you play well besides the map is too short and imo the only good “content” are the parts that I took the ss, I would say you take this 2 and try to create some others and do another map, i know you can do it, your solos are kinda nice, but i believe that you dont read the feedback of the testers, like you see if the map is decline or accepted, and if its declined you just ignore the channel and start a new map, because its not hard to learn to me took 1 decline map (my first one) to understand, and relate some stuffs

try to search for someone who can test your map, like a friend that is good on the game and have experience on mapping since playing well its not all


This is actually the most cringe feedback I’ve ever seen


there is not much to say on the map, i just wanted to be constructive

The last half of the paragraph is completely unnecessary

Clearly there is further room for growth in the map considering pipou has been giving constructive solutions to the problems in it, I think a decline is too hasty

if u have been followed all the maps that popcorn has subbmited you just wonder why he doesnt improve in general aspects

That’s the type of unnecessary feedback I’m talking about

First of all, I am aware of his reputation

your losing the point...

if u know that a mapper has been uploading 100 maps and all declines what feedback could you give

you know

No I’m not, I’m only mad because of the way you phrased the first paragraph

Be professional, not an asshole

wtf im not beeing an asshole im just saying facts

i want to know whats the points he is missing

Regardless of what you meant, I still think the map could be approved with enough effort put in not only from him, but from the testers. He is not running away from fixing the parts, it is quite the opposite. I’m sure this map would get approved if you didn’t instantly decline it after giving feedback. How about you give input, then wait for him to do fixes, and see what the result is. If the map doesn’t improve even then, that’s when a map should be declined.

And there are clearly capable mappers willing to help, seeing as this is a collab with corneum

Okay this one pissed me off

like, genuinely

it's not your place to say such a thing tho. I get maybe that's how you feel, or what rep he has, but as official staff team you should look at all maps with a genuine equal eye. Who gives a shit if he listens or doesn't to testers, it's not like he's cluttering testing either, he submits a map once every couple of months, and that's it. Fuck.

You give the right fucking feedback. Tell him what's wrong with the map, that feels more like an attack on his character than a genuine reason to decline a map

you literally wrote ET CETERA when referring to what's wrong with the map

Look arrow, you're a great guy, I don't hate you

but fuckkkk

Tell him what you think is wrong witht he map

right now you declined the map for


"its just uncomfortable with all those kill tiles"

that is the only decent criticism there

If you don't wanna test a certain map you don't have to, I understand the tester job is flexible on that

but if you're gonna test it at least put some effort into it

Cool down first of all. He may be a bit abrupt, but he said what's literally wrong with da map and what is good in. If mapper submit maps with same things which wasn't approved before why he must shut mouth? He just tells his opinion

he didn't tho, and while I admit I'm a bit angry, this is not just towards him, but a general concensus of what I've been seeing in the testing part of the community for a while now

and also because he shouldn't be stating his opinion, he should be stating what's wrong with the map, which he didn't

mans said "parts are okay, but done bad" didn't explain how, "Its uncomfortable cause of kill tiles, and like, some other stuff" and dipped

altho I will admit I'm probably dramatizing it a bit more than I should be, and I apologize for that

sorry if it feels like I'm attacking you arrow, not the intention

I think Welshi men't that it is a little bit unfair that the mapper didn't have a chance to fix his problem on a map and got instantly declined.

He is living person who have own opinion and emotions. If map pretty bad there no reason to explain every moment whats wrong exactly. He explained it in general. We need to hear testers not to judge


bro, a testers role is to judge the map

yes maybe he doesn't have to go into detai;

but if that's the case

then this message is him being a genuine asshole, which I don't think he is " because its not hard to learn to me took 1 decline map (my first one) to understand, and relate some stuffs"

Again, sorry I'm a bit confrontational right now

I'm pissed

If you would have to be a tester you will get why he said like that Also even after decline you always have chance to repair map if you want

I had declined reflects 5-6 years ago but now its ready for release

that's not the point, if he doesn't say what's actually wrong with the map then you can't really repair and resend

it was barely even a general outlook on what was wrong

Uncomfortable gameplay, unnecessary kill tiles, bad flow. That's what I got from arrows text

At no point does he mention flow

And he says gameplay was uncomfortable because of kill tiles

So following what he said just getting rid of kill tiles the entire map would be fixed

The thing i wanted to say don't blame on testers, they just do their job in thing they like. They may be not always too fair but you always can chat with them and solve thinga

I'm not blaming the tester for the decline

I'm pissed by how the decline was handled

Issues explained unprofessionally, which doesn't really give a mapper an idea what to do.

thank you, exactly

🍿 🍿 🍿

didnt read any of this but "be professional" isn't a good arg

but i guess there couldve been better feedback on the decline

I mean I won't ban someone and give "Dumb blocker keeps blocking and never learns his lesson" as a reason, and if I do I want to be held accountable in the same way I'm trying to hold arrow accountable

I mean if I kept receiving feedback like that I'd probably give up on mapping, and I know popcorn enjoys mapping so I wouldn't want that to happen to him

i mean it really wasn't that offensive

and honestly could even be seen as some good advice. i think
@PopCorn181needs to take a lot more time with his parts and really spend some more time on his maps to get better at mapping

fair enough, I'm done talking about it, don't wanna have another outburst as I'm probably gonna cringe about this for the next month or so

Plus I feel like I cluttered the chat so uh, sorry about that

dont worry abt cluttering chat and yeah i support what arrow says but agree it could have been phrased in a nicer way

If killtiles are uncomfortable then maybe give the mapper time to remove some of them? 🤨 Dont see how being constantly bad at mapping should limit the amount of feedback you are given. If he is presumably bad already then saying "your map is uncomfortable but i wont say anything cuz of past maps" wont improve his skills lol How can you make a map better if you dont know whats wrong with it

Ofc I havent read much convo here so maybe a point about not listening is true, so I only comment on the decline arguments

Killtiles are uncomfortable? I've seen a map with hundreds of them and no one gave a fuck releasing it

It means they placed not correct

I will test it again later, just in case

this map is close to 8 years old

Yea, okay- my bad. I really didn't think about that, you're right! i hate u

people keep bringing up 5+ year old maps and compare it to new ones like how is that even fair

The map is very uncomfortable and awkward from the very beginning to the end

For example, at the beginning, you have to wait for your dummy to fall before going left

At the end, you can land in the freeze and fail (the part isn't 100%)

Having fake kill tiles with teleport makes it cheap

The parts don't really work as intended, you can fail so many times because the parts are random

Adding a blocker so your part works is also not so good, try and think about a way around to avoid using many useless entities

Having kill tiles isn't really a problem if they are used properly

That map doesn't have great parts nor a good flow