intended way


looks cool

someone's been playing race

i'm actually very bad at race : P

lya suka ti best

feels like a race map tho

if you build more parts out of it with teleports, that might become a really great solo map to play

it's already very hard

making it longer would turn this map into smth unplayable for me

I tryharded 15 minutes to finish this

there are a lot of actions packed in these 10 secs

it's not a 10 sec map with 3 actions

i feel like there would be no skill gap here

everyone relatively same time

may need 1-2 more parts

but its very satisfyin as is

I wont be able to finish my own map

if I make it even harder

try to play it and send your demo

it's very hard

and it's 10x times harder without the spoiler I sent. You have to use brain a bit to pass through parts

its not that hard

too short to be released as a solo map

what's the limit?

no limit

bruh stop over is like 2 seconds

i think it's not about how short the map is, it's about how long it takes for you to complete

sure, it may be like 9 seconds

but it will proabbly take the average player like 20 minutes to get to that 9 second rank

i mean my clan No limit^ 😄

ye it should probably be longer

I make it a bit longer


it kinda falls under the same category as short race maps which we dont release either

i mean if stop over can be released so can this

ye I think this way too

we also declined similar maps because they were too short 🤷♀️

stop over got lucky

i feel like the first one was longer and then they got shorter

can noobfilter get lucky

if I make this longer I think noone will play this. So I have to make it a bit easier...

and longer


make the backgrgound have a bit more color

it looks default grey rn

if that's too short then $decline
I will make smth better later

having teleports around this map would improve playability and stable practises, with some practise you can overcome those parts easily

but the map has only 1 part XD

so i would highly recommend to make it longer, or from your choise rework it

neither way, this map has a nice style

dont waste it

I wanted the map to be exactly like it is now (very short and hard). Turns out, ddnet will no longer rls smth like this

no problem for me to just throw this map in trash

I dont care too much

consider that it definy as a race map

thats lame bro

we really want a longer version of this, faily or not dont care cuz what you made has a unique stylr

and you want to say that it is trash bro

I doubt someone will really play this

on video it looks cool

how would you know?

new is always better

they said the same to insane maps many times

insane maps are useless

and look at those silex maps


u then

idc do whatya want, i'll rework it for ya

you can rls this as your map xd

i dont want to spend time on it

ah shit i dont want to steal this masterpiece

who cares

idk all the people who want releases

noone in the world cares about the author. ppl care only about gameplay

silex and corneum doubt that

ya just lost motivation, cmon i swear this can go really well

even jao didnt say a bad thing which is ultra rare


imo it's not too short, looks pretty hard

thats what she said

yes, too short

Stop Over best

thats a nice map

idk what length should it be. 15 sec? 20 sec?

try a solo map with 10 parts ? 😛

why xd

solo in a multiplayer game

the whole point of this map is skill/reaction test

10 parts skill/reaction test


more solo and dummy please

USA often has no players or none that i want to play with

ye I better make dummy

solo is a bit lame :/

solo maps are good at 3am

and i honestly would've liked this

but boss said no!

play it on test server if you like it that much?

no problem, I can just use this gameplay in some brutal map as pre-finish solo part

maybe some easier version of this

That's a nice idea for a 3-4* brutal map i'd say

can i use that map for start in other solo map?



I would rather use this as the end of the map

it's kinda hard and can easily scare away players in the beginning

but if your solo is 3-4* I guess it's ok