

$rate balance=2 flow=1 creativity=4 playability=0 fun=0 design=0 bonus=0


Balance: You had ideas, but they just don't fit together like you built them. It's like hard part / easy part / middle part / hard part again.
Flow: Some parts are creative as an idea, but again not mapped well. Some parts destroy the gameplay, some are way too tight.
Creativity: We gave you 4 points for your ideas, few parts are really promising as an IDEA, but sadly not good enough mapped that's why -6. (With few there are 3-6 good ones).
Playability: Parts barely work like you would have liked to I guess, some parts are too faily.
Fun: We had no fun whatsoever playing this map just because all good parts that might have been fun playing are bad mapped so overall we didnt enjoy it.
Design: We don't think that we have to write anything.
We assume this is your first map therefor good try, pick out all good ideas and start another one. For me reworking this would just be like mapping a whole new one. Also we would welcome it if you can play your map yourself before posting it, there are a lot of entity bugs that you can't miss when playing yourself. Better luck next time.

put < and > around the link

Ok man, thank you for your advice. But I don"t know how to remove the problems in the entites in this map... The first is always missed x3

See you a next time for a new map !

"But I don"t know how to remove the problems in the entites in this map... The first is always missed x3" what do you mean with this? should be addressed before you go on to make the same mistakes in your next map

I mean learn about my mistakes, and make a next map better than the first. I will take some information of this bug in the entities and work harder on the next design !

he means that he don't know how to remove all shit on " I dont think thats supposed to be there " screen of Brokecdx
