Oh lol xd thanks for testing will fix it soon

thx fixed 🙂

some small design fixes

background is a bit confusing

explain pls

maybe make it less bright

hooking in there feels weird as you can think that there's hookable/unhookable tiles where its filled

mb now

fixed small things thx

thx for testing


now all fixed thx to coke jao and lady saavik

Yes he said I can have it

you could say it's a map of me panik and mooncake

I just finished it

I could say it's the 7th version of doomworld2 xd

xD but it's rdy gameplay is good an no designbugs ect

fixed some bugs


map by Cøke


yes of course but he is also the only tester who at least takes care of something

Good map Cøke

and some layer are little bit bigger than needed, idk if you care..

$ready 3*

@Genexyes of course but he is also the only tester who at least takes care of something

@Lady Saavikof course :o


not the touch marking


ofc both is fixe


you only changed the one disabling touching and made it the unsolo marking

it needs to be a distinct marking and the marking that enables touching needs to be changed too

so whats the no touch markiing?

i dont have it

so fixed

fixed logo

now all good xd

what did u fix

logo dilated
