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Map :lady_beetle: :

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Tested with the mapper

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Should be ready (soon)

fixed skips, improved design

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*ignore the grass one I think I made a mistake

with second one you can back now by falling down on teammate, with those skips idk aren't they absurd?

ah okay, that's fair might seem absurd yes but I'm afraid dummy might make it possible in the future so better just close it


First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★☆☆☆☆

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1268863759770845246/1272584650983870518


Such a cool map... But idk if it fits a 1*

Like bro... 2* atleast

As of now I think this is closer to brutal than to being 2*, however this view might change when playing the released version without rcon password

Idk man... I aint the typo guy for this

So i guess youre more right than iam

Expressing concerns is good 👍🏻 We might still change the difficulty after release if the rating turns out to be terribly wrong but I feel pretty confident with it right now

I also just thougt who will even say its more likely brutal

i just flw the first ready, it was 1 star, but we can change that i also think 2 would fit better

Theres just one thing in the way; almost every insane has a solo at the start

So i guess this is my new fav insane now?

solos on 2p insanes don't make too much sense, because you join a team anyways

the gap makes me wonder if the skip is mapped intentionally

up to you if u wanna fix i guess. most of these seemed intentional anyway


all those skips are hard enough to leave them

2nd image is not that hard. Its more like medium

definitely harder and more random than real part and doesn't skip much

If i would play this map for 1st time i would surely try that

decided to fix this skip

i feel like this map is more of a brutal 5 star than an insane map

same but some saying it's even 2* insane

Imo ins 1* would be okay

Playing with rcon is easier so rn we all think its more likely brutal

My thougts tho are insane 2 or 1 kinda in between

but it really can't be 2 💀 look other 1 insane and 5* brutal maps it looks and plays hardy than this map

let‘s just go with the middle for now I guess? Can be adjusted later if necessary

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1268863759770845246/1273912831158255616

hell nah

would make the beginning bigger or add little NF / end too, would make it way bigger bcs no /spec enabled

startline also missing

HD things not done

a map with sv_team 2 or it can be played in the t0?
t0 never been peaceful place

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

Catharsis has been set to RELEASED.

small skip fixed

Post-release updates need to be uploaded manually. Please reach out to an administrator.


Control should be 2 star than or this brutal 5 imo

closed 3 skips

Post-release updates need to be uploaded manually. Please reach out to an administrator.

