this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

This like for brutal im think

Too hard noob filter

its my opinion

I fixed a lot. The new version is coming the days 🙂

So I fixed all Teleports or other Bugs. I changed the Design and gave a little more room to some parts. We can make this Map Brutal as well. I think Moderate 4-5 or Brutal 1-2? We can talk about Gameplay know. Please name your criticism or we can also play this map together. Its my first Map 🙂

I want this kind of gores in the Noobfilter btw.

if u wanna make noobfilter gores maybe better make it with tps

its was annoying every time do this noobfilter and die on them

And im think its too failable for moderate it think do it brutal

This looks weird

remove trumpet i think

weird trumpet

@Astral|Cryinghow here get rocket without faile?
put your dummy below the rocket (a bit left, not wall) and then jump against the block so you pick up grenade and bounce off your teammate


What a password for admin on test servers?

i didnt wanted this tiles, but I should marked it. But i can remove this 😉 Trumpets fixed

https://imgur.com/a/cMLAmPq some little things, will scan for more later
click on the imgur link, it's an album

what do u mean? Its telecolor, but teletile is not necessary or what do u mean?

Fixed a Bug from old mapping. Pls download this Map.

Tele in Noobfilter is possible. I also can do Killtiles. If u want I change this =) Can u mark the weird trumped in the map? I dont find this

i would make mark it for consistency did you see the other images? it's 7 images in total

oh no sorry^^

okay fixed 🙂

Should i really mark this tile? I think its ugly without entities on. Its just for not failing the part^^

you should for sure, it's actually not ugly. many maps have this over the edge tele tile

add here arrow left

can be a stupid faile

why no testers works but testers dont do anything

hammer and hold hook so dummy go up, u jump on the block and jump at the top, the hook releases automatic but its enough time to get the dummy from up

all fixed

Red wo bist du aufm Testserver? Find dich nicht pw = banane123

bin ich zu dumm für, kann ich nicht finden

So hab noch einige Bugs uns Fails rausgenommen und ein Switch Layer ganz oben beim Part (Tele65) eingefügt. So kann man den nicht failen.



And can be skip to the finish

Im sorry, i made the beginning parts new. Because of sapce for Team 0. I designed the map new. I just need a new Design for the brown background. I changed the design in the map with freeze. But one question, if freeze is just for design, should I also do this as actual freeze? Its just for entities off..
Btw. it can be changed in Brutal!
@Astral|Cryingwhere can u skip?

Thanks for report
@Dino, in the new Version i fixed most of the stuff anyways. For me it's just a design thing now. First freeze = actual freeze? And Second the brown background. I like the color at the beginning it mixes well with the hookable part. I wanted it like from the ground to the sky.^^ So this bg part is not finished yet.

this map has too many errors in the corners imo, I didn’t play it very hard so I couldn’t tell if it’s balanced or not.

All fixed. The half freeze at your last picture should be freeze. The little corners likt in your second picture is just for design.

I recommend you look at the map from the beginning and just try to look at the corners of the freeze and fix them because in some there are, in others there are not and in others there are corners of another type.

Puh, dit it 😄 fixed all freeze parts.. I also removed the brown background. Design is done. From my side

what is this next step thing? why is it posted all of the time and also the channel?

We are testing the Map, and if there are bugs or parts to change I change and upload again. From my side the map is done. I tested it with 2 people, but maybe there are more testers needed. But it's brutal, so moderate channel is wrong. I wait for more instructions or criticism now.

Tons of corner bugs:

Delete all

found 2 more, but done


the map is already 3 years old and doesn't meet our current standards. some parts are okay and some ideas are good, but there are too many ddmax-ish parts and the mapper didn't want to rework too much. we suggest you to start a new map over reworking this map (and take my hints about mapping when we talked as help). you can also use the trashmap server to ask other players for feedback before uploading your map