this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

nothing against you
@z_eightybut I think the map need a full rework

ok... if the map isn't declined before I'll reformulate it, I'm already used to it ðŸ˜

nah I watched over the map and I will now come with my critic, but on my points of view there must be much rework

ok can you specify what i should work on it would help a lot

I did it like this because I didn't have any ideas but maybe I'll reformulate it

Hmmm ok

oh, I forgot to put the defrost on xd

Do you have any idea what I can do here?


ok, I'll do everything and trying to make the map takes time thanks Now I have to pray that I don't decline before I get home

idk I am not a good mapper but one possibility would be to make it a bit shorter so no long drag/no many nades and arrows on the ground

just hope that VéNa doesn't come


but I would maybe think of completly change that part

also even when you get declined you can rework it and send it again c: we are happy to see you then again here around

the rocket part with freeze or everything in the area?

rocket part with freeze

but idk ask maybe others

but I am not done yet

oh, when rejected can you send it again?

Ok, thx

yes when it is reworked of course

Ahh, ok

oh, I forgot to turn it off

OK Should I hook everything to make it easier?

? what

I get hypnotized when I see this change the color so often maybe do it like it changes only every 20sec or so

and If you want you can do the map in a shape of a rainbow

I was criticizing you before you got to the hardest part


good idea for kog

? the cue

at the top where will we do the drag?



maybe the map get declined from VéNa, but still rework the parts and make the map longer and also maybe play the map for a bit on your own, so you see what is missing or how it could be more fun to play. I hope to see you soon with a rework 😄

ok, one question, what time is it there?

the gameplay is poor, and looks like old map, some part are unbalanced as ilak mentioned. you should check how are made current rls map.


knew it c:, the decline from VéNa
