this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Please add more parts and rework the design almost fully.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

design is super hard on the eyes, it's 5 contrasts of the same color. the map takes ~35 seconds on the second try, it's just to short.
the parts are decently fun, but it just needs more content. i think with the gameplay you enforce you have a lot of freedom to create cool stuff

I agree. The current gameplay is almost fine as is and will probably only need slight adjustments. 👍

ok, thanks for the feedback, will be done!

no speedrun decline

the idea is good

ninjajetpack but actually ninja

press d right before you ninja through, it's more consistent if you're on the far left there and ninja when you dont have any up/down sped

from the left: press d, keep the speed from the first one second: just ninja straight when you dont have any up/down speed

For the left one: You can also just stall right before it and fall for a little - the downwards speed will become speed to the right in this case when you ninja. First one/right one: Just going close to the tp and then ninja should work consistently

sick map

U can escape, but it doesn't help


what time?

how to increase/strength of ninja dash?

the only thing you can change about ninja is ninja_fire_delay

Why does Ninja seem to lag when testing the map?

it doesn't matter on trashmap or on a personal server


end reminds ninjastic 2 , but it's ok

it's not even out yet 💀

i know 😄 but i was running it some days

how to rename a map?

Of the map here? I can do it.

thanks, no need, i just had some ideas for parts and i think it will be unbalanced if i put them here, but i will know👌

👍 You can ask any tester to rename it if you need. :)

Completely agree on this. Looks like a good map, but it's shorter, than expected. Design needs to be better since the colors used on those tiles and entities are too similar to differenciate without entities off.

Let the mapper do more parts for this map, until then undecided no?

we will wait with what exosphere comes up ^^ - nothing's decided yet, but freezy and me want something.. more

I'm already composing the parts, I need some time to check them


Star emoji V emoji

✅ Added some parts ✅ Changed design

maybe i don't understand it but from what i can see there are 3 different corner styles on the tp on tp corners:

essentially no, but if it's too obvious, then I can do it differently



(they certainly look out of place tho)

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

ok, the design is complicated, I'll fix it a little


✅-slightly changed start and finish ✅-tp 10 and 12 swapped ✅-tp 12 no longer requires boost down ✅-tp 14 changed ✅ -other changes ❌ -tune at 10 remained

Map :lady_beetle: :

✅ fixed


the above mentioned bugs have been fixed

why would there be a push block anyway

to avoid getting stuck on the edge

oh ok


should i add a caption that says "Help: Ninja can redirect ALL your speed in ANY direction"?

and "help: first use the ninja, then change direction, in order not to lose speed"

Better create a part where if you don't know these mechanics, you cant pass it. and add tips on that.

check it

second part

It's a good animation, but it doesn't fully explain.

I don't see the point in explaining this, especially for completing the map

it is enough to know that you need to stand 1 tile away from the freeze

ninja work 100% if u have right starting coords.

and angle

anyway, i think there is no need for details here

✅ added help for parts: CP2, CP3, CP8

rest of the map looks good to me, i didnt look for any other visual bugs. im not sure about the help texts, i'd say that a proper animation is sufficient if you really want to explain it. the last screenshot is a personal opinion and should not mean that you have to alter it in any way ^^ the last part - as you mentioned might need something.. more. I liked your idea of a timer!

thank you for correcting the text, I do not have sufficient skills to write in English and make do with a translator)
I will definitely take your advice into account

no worries! - english hard

about the last screenshot: I think the part is well made, I wonder what
@comebackplayi will say about it, if there is no approval - I will change it right away

He said it's tight, but where he wants to add space. idk

тебе нравится парт? да/нет

I'm wondering where he sees the problem, maybe I'm blind.

can u plz give more detailed explanation about last screen.

its about spacing, compared to every other part this one is tight and i
didnt enjoy it

what is ur solution?

you feel cramped up imo

✅ CP7 changed ✅ added music at start ✅ the text has been corrected ✅ added horizontal-vertical speed icon

I wouldn't mind the second one, it doesn't interfere with the gameplay and you can listen to it only if you go to the spec and look there (practice doesn't count)

✅ CP7 changed 🔥 CP14 is passed for speed (6 seconds) ✅ added help on CP8 ✅ added "turn off entites" on the map

map looks almost ready to me personally, small but fun. i think 6 seconds is a little tight and a bit frustrating


I think this will be better.

also i dont see where this is random

this quote from this

Freezys comment is towards a part that forced you to use precise precision and was hard to pull off
The part you said is inconsistent is consistent with 0 input

- if you want to quote other testers please do so correctly

You're free to suggest these things. Not to me tho

I wouldn't want a 100% success rate on each part, what's the joy even on a map that's as simple as this one. If everything's first try it's "come shoot go" - boring

First, I want to answer you, then I realize I don't want to debate with you and forgot to remove the reply.

ah so you tell the mapper he HAS to change something and then not discuss why you think that. Noted

wtf with u man? i alredy said it's 50% u said its 100% (consistent) and share the video if we have different points what i have to do?

If you're misunderstanding me I don't really have control over that.
I never said it's 100%, I mentioned that there are ways to do it consistently.
We have different points - but you ultimately trying to force your vision of the map on others is what I dislike.
Words like (you NEED to) don't leave much room for misunderstanding. You clearly said you see it as a requirement for him to change it there.

Further personal discussions will be removed, this is a testing channel after all.

If you feel like discussing with me, go to dms

if u think this part is fine cus u can do it consistently, not mean this part is good, and u too trying to force your vision, but blame me. n1. This is a testing channel after all. If you feel like discussing with me, go to dms
ok let's back to map: i think it unclear mechanic when u need jump and insta use ninja

didn't you put another screenshot earlier? i think that other part is good to teach the double jump + ninja interaction so you would know it at the part you screened now (if i remember the map correctly)

ya i did, i remove last screen cus on this screen its more critical.

when players are at that part, they already know that they have to dj

agree with melon, writing "need" or saying a part is 50/50 doesnt really give good feedback since most of the times its your own opinion

i said this cus was how lemon race it and can pass tunezone part only after my tip.

and just because you either DO ninja through the tp or DONT ninja through the tp does not make something 50/50

btw i dont say about 50/50 "u need" but melon said like i said it. i just said i don't like 50/50

great and i dont like dummy players, but stating that something is 50/50 just because u cant perform a consistent setup does not = 50/50

Yeah, I agree with you. If it was a 5-star map, I would never write something like this, but in this case, for people who will run it (I think it's 1 star), they all will say something about "WTF, this part is random."
P.S. I know this game doesn't have anything random at all, but if you don't have knowledge, you may think this game has randomness.

ok i think enough testing for today. good map.

ah ye, i did some changes of ur parts, i drop it here, if u need it.

Map filename must match channel name.

fuck welf message

btw many parts are rly tight, it can give diffuculty but sometime it's not needed and you can use more space

i'm not rly fan of the speeders spcially on this part + shield are too close you can ninja in it if you want to optimize your time ...

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Wanted to point out some things mentioned by VéNa as well. I'll add some other stuff:
- If you ninja up or down from the spawn you either hit the top tp multiple times or you won't get enough speed on the first try.
- This is a very precise angle having to get the right distance and height with the corner blocking a lot of other working angles.
- I tend to being to far on the right with the speed I get and have to move backwards for a better angle would be great if you could stretch the part for higher quality gameplay.
- I dislike having to walk multiple blocks towards the speedups. You did it correct on part 10.
- Same as 4. but additionally if you hold d while coming out from the previous part you skip the ninja which can be annoying.
- A low ninja doesn't work here so I'd force it to be a bit higher to be more intuitive. :)

btw u dont need this bind on this map, better remove this tip.

idk need to test , update map.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

u forgot change spawn

no, I added it there on purpose for the time being

u cant drop map like that on testing channel. and ye u forgot add sheld at start.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

talked with mapper, waiting plz


This command was not found.


ye i cant ping(

We'll set it to waiting when a tester looked at it

I'm not home, will check later

its a waste time. but as u wish

i explain him every part.

How is it a time waste

u know what happens when testers say same mistakes?

wouldn't mind sharing stuff you mentioned to the mapper?

mb, i mean what happens when testers tested alredy tested map.


can you provide a changelog if possible ? Did you take any of catseyes suggestion into accounts? Also can you quickly let us know what you want to change according to triki ? Thanks!

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

he not at home.

nah i cant screen entire dm

wait i can video

take it if u interesting.

I have to say that I dislike how you map for the mapper and then want them to include your personal 'fixes' for the parts. Yes you pointed out some issues others had as well and yes some of your fixes may be good but it's not your map. meloƞ, VéNa and me pointed out the problems but it's up to the mapper how to fix them. For versatile parts there isn't just one ultimate solution. Of course that also means that sometimes there will be a clear path on how to fix issues (for example the double use of to tele and cp tele or the distance between the start of some parts and the speedups) but these things are irrelevant to how the actual part works.

Also maybe we can start updating others in the respective channels on what is being worked on if we talked to the mappers in private.

I already had the same problem with triki and other testers, you should rather describe the problems without a screenshot of how to fix them ( already saw a lot of screens of how to do this or this). This is the best training for mappers.. it will help you make better progress and have less work in the future

Screenshots that do not directly describe how something should be fixed are excluded

Too many maps are already affected by personal opinions as I saw

I have to say that I dislike how you map for the mapper and then want them to include your personal 'fixes' for the parts.
wtf? why u think i force them to use my way? i just give the solution??????????? wtf here one guy
@rootjieblame me cus i didn't enough explain and dont give solution how to fix, but when i have time for good feed back and give examples how u can fix it other guy blame me for that, i think better way just dont test maps. or doing only hide testing like i did with some maps which already released. So guys what i need to do?

how many messages

i mean you literally just wrote ''i just give the solution'' meaning that YOU want this to be implemented since you say there's something wrong with the current part. Maybe its just misscommunication / interpretation.

Once you are done with the issues mentioned from https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1295383225270800466/1300156319462068275 here to here https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1295383225270800466/1300184419415359488 upload the map and we can start fresh again. :) Sorry for all the unrelated messages.

Is it possible to work without textures?

test version of the map

Map :lady_beetle: :



Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

does it work now?

is this the version you want us to test


(this is zoomed out completly btw)

i dont quite understand, are we supposed to test with entities? :o

yes, changing the design every time is long and inconvenient, so it's better to do it this way

i see

I guess so. Rules state that the map should have a design before it’s submitted but never saw it being removed during the process. :P

- i'll roll with it for now

I can understand where it’s coming from but still a bit confusing. ^^’

I feel like we wen't backwards on some things.Many parts are now fully first try, which is generally fine for a map that's supposed to be easy, but it feels almost to easy now and takes away the fun of "managing" a part entirely :P
i think rearranging some parts would make this map feel more fun, going from super easy to slightly harder motivates people to keep pushing, espacially beginners. even for a map with a difficulty like this some parts are purely setup, requiring almost 0 input other than leftclick and d, i'd put these as the first few parts so people can grasp the idea of going through teleporters or transfering their speed into a different direction by hitting a wall at an angle etc.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Also while it might be annoying, please post your maps with design. we want to test maps that are finished in your eyes, if the Design has to be constantly rearranged you're better off with us declining for now and you can resubmit when you're ready. Mapping is a long process, no need to rush

I don't see the balance between "easy" and "hard" last time I heard that some parts were too hard, now they are easy, although I changed the parts a little

Who said it’s too hard?

oh, it's not about convenience, okay


is there an option that you can remove the last jerk in the difficult part, and there will be balance?

i dont think so.

whats this even used for

For this (reduced cp spam)

I left them for testing as a help

Why are you using cps at all?

design choice probably

What design? 🤔

Probably to not have the entire screen in numbers while playing in entities

it also increases fps since the client doesn't have to render so many text fields

If you want optimization use one layer of tele with unhooks behind.

can i get screenshot?

I can’t right now but basically remove 2 layers of tele on the outside of the parts and place a border of unhook around.

I can show you later if you still need an example.



i understand

Yes. 👍

You don’t have to change the design to include the unhook blocks if you are wondering. Just the border of the tele as you did before.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

mini game

||(there is a skip of medium difficulty on the map, giving a time of 1:07.22, maybe for people who like to look for skips this will suit)||

Should I add a help that the jerk force increases as I move?


above your screen is a video of how the part works

oh siihs now i understand what he trying explain me 1 day ago. I like the idea, but this mapped bad( i think 90% players will rq here who dont know map.

i like how u remapped start on this part it's really perfect and not annoying only skill issue. but second use ninja is so bad. 1 u need move wall <<< it will force ppl use ninja down (dont forget about cd ninja my screen isnt good i just show idea) 2 need to add this wall to make this third path longer

over all i like the changes) keep it)

i will take this one as a reference again.
We went back again and again, parts got tighter, the setup's increased, the map did a 90° turn in the wrong direction. Most parts are fully setup now, meaning you just follow the path the mapper intended and the part is done - it's boring to play. Some parts are to tight now, the last part still has the timer which Vena suggested to get rid off because it feels unneccessary. The "minigame" doesn't work properly, is way to hard and out of place imo - i personally dont like it.
parts that we mentioned were fine were reworked to the worse, parts were added that feel sluggish and feel like they were done without a second thought to it.
i will set this map to waiting once more - but if nothing changes i feel like we need to rethink the entire structure before putting this into a releasable state at all.
screenshots attached as a few examples.
and nothing against triki personally, but i prefer not to test with the words "have to" "you need to" "do this" "do that" - players/testers shouldnt enforce a map to be in a specific way imo. We're here to guide and give suggestions/point out problems, ultimately choosing if this fits DDNet or not.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Most parts are fully setup now, meaning you just follow the path the mapper intended and the part is done - it's boring to play. This map has gotten easy, but that doesn't mean it's gotten worse. For u, ye it maybe worse cus less challenge. But dont mix it up. Every time when u fixed problem and didnt increase difficulty by add smth (like in this case) map become easer and easer and its fine.
and nothing against triki personally, but i prefer not to test with the words "have to" "you need to" "do this" "do that" - players/testers shouldnt enforce a map to be in a specific way imo. We're here to guide and give suggestions/point out problems, ultimately choosing if this fits DDNet or not. it's look like. but if u dont like my feedback, but where is ur? show me how need to do? or u think it enough for mappers? u confusing more cus mappers dont know what with that info doing. for u, me and any tester it's clear but not for mapper. but i agree with u sometime explain problem is best way to help mapper but if he skill enough. when i mapping with amol some years ago for him eill enough "i dont like it" and he fully undestend why i dont like it.
if u disagree with me u can dm me.

i agree let's not have that discussion here (we are working on a new channel right now that allows meta discussion, but right now it would blow up the channel even more). melon wrote that last message, because multiple testers agreed, that the map got worse with the last 2 updates, so please take it seriously
and of course you can always ask for help or more detailled information about what we want

I don't like the map anymore as it is, most of the speed parts weren't originally intended for the map
- the map was originally intended as a ninja training map, but now the gameplay is very unsatisfactory and unbalanced.
Honestly, it's my own fault for ruining the map, I'm disappointed with my mapping experience this time

, I don't want to see this map in ddnet
I need time to come back with new strength, maybe

sorry to hear that, but dont worry - when you initially submitted the map me and freezy agreed that the gameplay you're trying to enforce is good and you can do something great with this
dont be disappointed - mapping is a hard and long process and i think by trying to meet everyone's needs within a short amount of time you overwhelmed yourself. take your time!
please do come back - the design is great for example and i would've kept it as it with only small spacing adjustments

Your map submission has been declined.


I'm unhappy with your decision on declining this. The latest updates seemed to be bad (I didn't see those) but reverting those changes would lead to a nearly releasable map without any further ado. I think you should re-consider your decision and applying small changes might suffice

and if you didnt know, my decline can be reverted at any time and you can obviously resubmit it if you feel like doing what freezy said. ❤️

revert the map back to needing skill to pass the parts, not just random line-up parts because we have skill issued players. it was and can be good imo if you just revert back to your original idea of ninja training 👍

and in the future, dont listen to every single feedback msg here, some peoples opinions are more credible than others and you should try to find out who those are, and only try to focus on those recommendations.

i just played map and parts are rly nice

didnt rly play old vers but i dont see whats wrong with this one

✅ CP4, CP5, CP8, CP9 slightly changed ✅ CP7 changed ✅removed mini game, music and skip at start ✅ timers removed from map
Most parts are fully setup now, meaning you just follow the path the mapper intended and the part is done - it's boring to play. what's wrong with this? help and practice available
please forgive me for upsetting you, I acted extremely unprofessionally when I decline the map

I reviewed the map and your support ❤️ and I think I'm ready to "get back in line" I accept my guilt for not filtering recommendations and digging a hole for myself I hope I can correct my guilt

Moved channel back to TESTING.

Don't feel bad we just want to make the map good and fun 🙂

Don't be so hard on yourself 👍

i will look into this later <3

Imo last part now is harder than the rest by a faire margin and not that fun to play. Other than that it's overall pretty cool.

plus the one on the first screenshot didn't felt clean to me (gameplay wise)

in general pretty nice map, i enjoyed most of the parts

Hey, I like most of the changes keep it up! :)
Some things I noticed while playing:
- Missing unfreeze markings and the tip could be useful for the first part.
- Precise angle needed here. Maybe you can make it a bit more forgiving.
- I'm still a bit fast at the right wall resulting in a bad angle.
- This is also still very precise. If you get the wall a bit closer it would be better I think.
- The start of this part could be a bit higher and I am sometimes a bit too fast to ninja up or I hit the tele above because of the speed. Otherwise I really like the end! I'm happy that you listened to melon here and I would be excited to see more free flow parts. ^^
- The part itself is fine I just dislike the wait at the start because you have wait so long with the ninja to make it across.
- Keep in mind that the empty spaces between the parts and the borders are a bit big right now. If you want more space while you are working on the map it's fine but once it will get close to a release I'd ask you to get rid of some of the empty spaces.
Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

empty spaces?

✅ all the above things have been fixed
in my opinion, empty spaces do exist on the map, please check the map

mark the speeders at the second last part please, atleast one of them - given the others are.
i like the rest of the map tho and i like that we're back to where we were apart from 2-3 parts which i think you changed to the better.
i think what cats meant to say was that, even with a huge zoom (screenshot 2) - you can't see the other parts, the map is bigger than it has to be.
didnt look for more design bugs for now

the distance between parts has been reduced and, accordingly, the overall size of the map

I want to rename the map on "StereoLove"

I'll post the map later||

Changed the map name to


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Hi, I checked your map again! I like the new colours. :P
- For me the start is a bit awkward maybe you can change it. Also the unfreeze looks a bit like a tune you don't have to mark it in design here. (My suggestion would be to build a bit of speed upwards and make the freeze tunnel you have to ninja trough a bit longer.)
- The first angle is very precise would be nice to have an easier start into the part. (Maybe move the platform up by one.) I often get too much speed and hit the freeze before the cooldown resets. (Would move the marked section a bit to the right.)
- The first ninja is just precise by timing. (Maybe move it to the right and have it be 2tiles wide with tele above as well so you have to time with double jump and a precise ninja angle to get trough.) Also pointing it out for the coming parts - you changed from small precise parts to big parts with only direction changes. Would be nice to still include some precision sections as in my suggestion for this one. And I want to point out that it can be frustrating missing the top by 2-3 tiles and falling all the way back down. Maybe you can have a better solution for the speed check. (I think horizontal ones would be better.)
- This part feels out of place. You just need to be in a good position left or right and get a flat angle. (I think it would be more fun to change the direction fully inside the unfreeze and maybe a few more times as well.)
- Same issue as pointed out before, having to fall all the way down again if you miss. Also pretty easy compared to the parts before.
- If you ninja towards the wall too low you don't make it. Same issue as before at the end and it feels a bit boring with the easy ending now.
- Freeze blends in too much in my opinion and unfreeze looks a bit similar to tele.
- You already saw it but I'll list it anyways. :)

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.


CP4, CP7, CP9, CP10, CP12, CP14 changed
I hope you like it

also background*

i really enjoy this now, it's a lot of fun and speedrunning this feels rewarding, i like the changes you made to the parts and i also like the minimalistic design.

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.


its easier but much better flow

fixed a couple of little things (broken decor in some places, useless corners, etc.)

don't post messages without content. we testers are all busy these days.

Hey, I really like the changes as well good job. :)
- Please give the corners of the tele some marking to indicate they are special. Also maybe it looks better if you put the ninja in the middle.
- Very difficult to see. Please make the tele to the next part stand out more.
- Corners.
- Unmarked unfreeze (one row would be enough) and here and one spot at the finish is the only place where you round your freeze.
- You still have some issues with your background.
- The second only spot where you rounded your freeze.


You want to keep the rounded freezes?


The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1295383225270800466/1308730818046464010

design: Fixed issues with corners

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1295383225270800466/1309899917719896064

Optimized version attached.

Sry exo, snail made a typo.. your map will release 2924

Looks like melon made a typo too! Your map will release in 4924 due to a bee in the admin's room.

in 4924? due to a bee?
so many questions...

what or who is bee

and how to understand "4924"?

release in 2900 years



your regular bee 🐝

on 29 november 2024 or in 2024 year? i don't understand)

maybe in 2024

he meant in 2924 days

Is it too late to change 1 part?

i dont think its being released right now so you can change it

Make a backup and send a screenshot of the new version.

unnecessary, i want to fix 1 part that i don't like due to accident, i'll send two versions

Okay, I can try to take a look but no promises.

Hmm maybe you can make it a skip without setup to the right? Now it's all setup again.

I didn't quite understand

changed part


Can you send a screenshot again? I can't check it in game right now.

That's still a setup with the freeze there.

it is necessary so that it is intuitively clear what needs to be done on the wall, otherwise the whole point of reworking is useless

We said before that it would be great to not have everything be a setup since that's boring gameplay wise. The rework would just change the direction of the last ninja, yes, but also probably make it a bit easier since you can control your distance to a vertical tele row better than a horizontal one.

ok then cancel, let's stay with the old version XD


The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1295383225270800466/1313868583243350108

Optimized version attached.

(Nothing changed)

this is the final version? need to contact deen ig

It's the same as the one that was readied before.


Just to get it back in evaluated.

i see


lucky part

Didn't want to change it too much since we already talked about it before and now it's close to being released. The part is fine as it is. :)

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

who allowed tp7 most rng part ever

All the previous parts teach you what distances work. :P

They do not

the start also kinda annoying u have to shoot up right so you minimize the delay of using ninja

Okay sorry, they do show you the distant, but they don't give you any setup for tp7. You can't expect the player to be able to shoot exactly 3 blocks away.
Plus it works with everytiming too. You can skip at 1 block away, 2, 3 probably 4 (I doubt more) as long as you get lucky.

If there's a setup I take it happily (please I need one :C)

Just try to hit the wall at a lower angle so you don't get that much height. Should make it easier and ninja just before you touch the tele.

You are able to 100% reproduce it? Cause for now I had a better feeling doing it like 2-3 tiles away

as you saw in the other part it works if you are directly in front of the tile, but you have to be quite close

but also certain distances work i guess ._. afaik it also depends on the speed you have which can make it complicated

I don't think speed matters.

You are able to reproduce it every time?

If I get low enough it's quite easy.

soapy told me that :x


Of course not every single time but I also can't do the other parts every time so I don't see an issue.

Well, I can do every other part every single time (like most players who are currently trying the map). But not that one. I can get it maybe 50-70% of the time? What is bothering is not knowing why do I fail it the other 30-50% of the times.
So I just reset withouth having learned anything. And on a map which is supposed to be the first one of a ""speedrunnin event"", it's a bit of a shame to have a part which feels so much like rng

Well you were either too high or too low. If you really want to know which one it was you could look at the replay.

It's pretty consistent for me though.

I can send you 4 replays doing it at 4 different heighs if you want. If you are confident that you are able to enlighten me why every single one of those is failing I'm down to do it

not failing but managing to do it*

I can, yes.

I think your standards for the event are quite high. If we would put on those, we wouldn't get enough maps and we would have to work hard on the maps (we curently don't have those capacities).

ok nice, give me a moment

Sure. But I think it's better if I don't give my opinion on the event as a whole ^^'

speed doesn't matter for the ninja but it matter for the timing when you ninja, i agree with devinci part is annoying and a lot of people complain

The first one is from like 4-5 tiles. Then there's me failing for 30 seconds while attempting to do it as close as possible. at 0:45 is managing to do it. Then there's me failing for 30 seconds while attempting to do it from like 2 tiles away. at 1:28 I manage to do it.
Why was I failing all these times, or even why did I manage to do it when I did. (Btw while playing the map I just used ninja diagonally on feeling and it worked better than this xd).

It just doesn't feel really great to speedrun. But again if someone has a setup that works 100% of the time then I'll take it. But sadly it's not an easy one to find.

try shooting immediatly with upspeed, works flawlessly for me, but it's also the angle that matters a bit, when shooting with upspeed shooting straight down wont work, it's more of a 30° angle
in general the map is supposed to rise in difficulty from part to part, atleast that's how i tried to balance it out during testing

check how many times i finished the map. 🤓

oh my u so good


u gotta be cappin with ur last sentence


part 9,10,11 are giga free compared to some previous parts

and the picture u are referring to is from 28th of october where the whole map structure is different, you couldve brought this up again (yes i know testers are doing this in their free time 🤓 )

since you are an event tester you might not want to speedrun it now btw

I would say this event isn't very competitive. If any of you want to have fun go for it.

i'm saying this as the event organizer 😉

Cool map. Didn't play it

Love the part when you dash with a ninja

i also don't like the lazy negativity in this channel, it could be more constructive. especially opinions on the event are weird to me, since only one map is released yet. it feels like some people just want to complain. you can do that but somewhere else please 🙂

^ Absolutely that. It's the first map and it wasn't originally mapped to be in the event.

Just enjoy a month of new maps every few days!

Okay I'll just repeat it because apparently it wasn't clear enough. Map for me is okay, parts are fun, but for a speedrunning map there's a part which is very unenjoyable because it requires a lot rng, I event sent demos and made other comments. So I wouldn't say it lacks "constructivity" (I'm still down for catse to tell me why did my attempts fail).
And about the event I could sure be constructive, I just avoided to talk about it. If you want jsut tell me and I'll do on meta testing, but I doubt it would be very usefull seing how you take every single comment I make.

Yeah not sure why but parts of this conversation are not really constructive.

Sorry, it's not perfect because of the low framerate in the video so I'll add an example. You can trust me on the answers or double check the demo file. :)

Idk if I can send a higher framerate one. Is that something ddnet can do?

(afaik it's turned off on the official servers)

Should we switch channel or will this be archived soon anyways?

If you have the exact video as demo file you could send that.

No, I made it with ddnet. But whatever, I don't think I'll play it anymore nor that someone else will be interested by it. Just wanted to show that you can do the part on a lot of very different heights all of them working sometimes.
THanks anyways ^^'

Will still explain it to you maybe someone else is interested. Just need a moment.

So the frames really mess some of the pictures up.

Here is an example to demonstrate which ones work:
- This works. You don't have much vertical speed here so the frame is pretty close to when you actually ninja. 2, 3, 4, clearly out of the zone that works.
- Here you used ninja only after you hit tele. 6, 7, outside again.
- Works. You ninja shortly after the frame being inside the green zone. 9, 10, Missed because you ninja after the frame putting you into the red.

Cats if possible can you send all of that to me in dms?
This might be interesting for the ninja wiki page

It's just that I'm not home and I might forget

Again sorry for some bad examples because of the framerate but you can double check in a demo if you want!

Yeah sorry for bad framerate again. Didn't know there were some specific zones.
Does that also apply to when you dash diagonally? Like you need to be in one of those zones? Or do those zones change

Anyways I really appreciate the effort. THat must have taken a lot of time.
I feel like knowing that the part feels easier x)

Diagonal does change it and makes it harder since you would basically increase the distance you have to travel trough the tele making the zones that work slimmer. :)

Why harder? the zones are the same just rotated a bit no?

the diagonal distance through a square is longer

it's a bit more complex but i hope its understandable

I do understand that a diagonal path is longer than just going straight.
But if I understood correctly you are able to go through teleport depending on distance traveled. So from my understanding the zones should still be the same but rotated.
Or are the zones not based on distance traveled but on squares? traveled? Or some weird thing which I did not get.

Oh yes, wait I can make it better.

it's not exactly 1.5 afaik crying math nerd voice

Who said that's 90 degrees?

Ok it is, my bad. It's 1.41 tiles. I rounded.

people could see this and get a wrong idea about triangles, im glad you corrected it

Rectangular triangles! 🤓

Ok we should stop.

I stopped the dangerous misinformation

So... Is it indeed harder? Because I still don't understand why it should ^^'
Let's say for example you need to travel between 2 and 3 cm to go through teleport. The orientation shouldn't really matter. The gaps don't suddenly become thiner from going diagonally, do they?

I don't understand what exactly you mean, but i imagine it like this: The ninja mechanic that allows you to jump through a tile is a small teleport (or actually lots of small teleports happen with one ninja). Since you are not aiming straight, not all of distance from the small ninja teleport gets directed into horizontal/vertical direction. It would be even harder to jump through a tile horizontally (the tele line is horizontally), if you were aiming less downwards/upwards.

Okay so it's not based on the total distance traveled but the distance traveled by those little teleports. Got it. Thanks both of you.

should we calculate how many tiles to be exact?

Which one?

Did you try the part again?

Yeah, the part does make more sense, but it's sadly not something I am able to instantly put into actions.
So gameplay wise it's still feels rng (or now you could say hard). But at least Ig I know why I fail when I do which is essentially what I was asking for so that's great

one random place ||i call this place random, i know its not random but for ppl who play on this difficulty this is random|| is not as bad as four or five, because that's how many there were before my test, but one thing still remains because I was asked not to test the map anymore because my decisions are bad, that make the map worse and it is better to return the map to the previous version. In general it was not fun to test this map, because I was in the minority. And now i see your msg and Vena msg under which tells i was right( It's so sad for me that I was right. I was literally against it on this level of map difficulty.

Fun map👍 played it for 1 hours or 2. Was just 1 part i didnt like that destroyed the speedrun

Would be better to delete or move it to the first part

Was it 7th cp?

S tier version


Bad map only due to that part lol

haha found it

the 7th part isnt baad when you know the trick

100% everytime setup x)

if it's fast send pls 😳

i would try a low angle so you don't get too much heigth and then ninja directly in front of the tp (it's easier to time with less speed)

fast version, aim at the wall to not gain much hight. shoot 1 tile before the tp

slow version, edge to not have much height. shoot 3 or 1 tile before tp. recommend 1 tile extra tip dont move sideways when shooting. make sure the only direction is down

hope it helps^^

slow version is hot garbage

fast version looks great

extra tip dont move sideways when shooting. make sure the only direction is down

tested it right now and it helps alot

So you are indeed using ninja at the last possible second


I followed

that looks like full placebo


nothing dw x)

fun map i really enjoyed it

If its ninja pls no rng🔫

Add rng to ddnet

Finally can play sols rng

teles are kinda rng


If rng map bad

Just sayin

Guys it's a deterministic game. Stop calling random.
