"Learn The Laser" by nameless_me [Solo]
DDNet 01/24/2025 2:19 PM


DDNet 01/24/2025 2:19 PM
DDNet 01/24/2025 2:19 PM

Map 🐞:

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:21 PM

plz don't insta decline, I wasn't going to release at first and just do it on my clan server, but my freinds said it looked really good and I should submit. So here I am, if anything is wrong, I'd appreciate if you would tell me, I'm open to suggestions and willing to fix (even simi major fixs)

catseyenebulous 01/24/2025 2:32 PM

The decline will depend on the map. :D Please fix the issues mentioned by the bot above first. (Stoppers should only be rotated and not mirrored and if the

is needed you can keep that one.)

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:34 PM

what I mean is, can I use this place for testing even if I have to make big changes 0.0

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:34 PM

this pause is bad, no reason to include it

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:34 PM

i really dont like that you have to redo the entire part

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:35 PM

well, someparts are diffrent if you do backwards, but if you think so, i'll just have to double the map size and remove that

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:35 PM

bad design, you can barely see that some tiles block your laser

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:36 PM

darker color?

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:36 PM

it might be a skill issue on my end but i really dont like how you have to stop in the middle waiting for the laser to reload

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:36 PM

I tryed it a bunch, and it reloads fast enough

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:37 PM

but do you know how else to stop the laser without tela? I couldn'y find a way. And when it bounces of the tela its confusing

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:38 PM

teleport is fine

.cammo. 01/24/2025 2:38 PM

its just that 1 freeze wall would be better than 2 for that part

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:38 PM

oh ok, can do

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:39 PM

do you think that map would be better, if I didn't make all these the parts separated, and instead smashed them together? So its one long line, with finish at end?

blaiszephyr 01/24/2025 2:41 PM

please fix the bot's messages first, i'll take a look then

waiting for: timecps arrows being rotated instead of mirrored sv_setting checked (if necessary ignore it)

DDNet 01/24/2025 2:41 PM

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

nameless_me 01/24/2025 2:43 PM

will fix this afternoon

blaiszephyr 01/24/2025 2:43 PM

no rush

nameless_me 01/24/2025 9:06 PM

added timecps rotated the arrows removed, remove laser on death replaced how the cps look replace how the hook and unhook look removed that tune thing cammodude talked about I think something else

DDNet 01/24/2025 9:06 PM
nameless_me 01/24/2025 9:07 PM

wait what? let me try and fix

nameless_me 01/24/2025 9:08 PM
DDNet 01/24/2025 9:08 PM
nameless_me 01/24/2025 9:08 PM

ok, fixed it

nameless_me 01/24/2025 9:09 PM

I'm thinking that I should slam the parts together, that way you don't have go throught the time cps twice, but what do you think?

blaiszephyr 01/24/2025 9:32 PM

first off: i like the design!

i think i'd rather have all parts combined, having them split as a sort of tutorial map is not really fitting for DDnet but rather other communities, DDRock hosts training maps for example.

place the CP's for every part so it's convenient to run through them, having to look out to actually catch CP's is bad.

vena6080 01/24/2025 9:32 PM

part really repetitive and doesn't feel like learning laser, also some gore too tight, parts too long and some part unbalanced, the cp are badly place

vena6080 01/24/2025 9:33 PM

the waiting zone are useless, you can put switch directly in the parts

vena6080 01/24/2025 9:36 PM

channel here are for finished map, and it's the working space for tester, i can't let the channel just for you, if you want to check the channel later you can use https://ddnet.tw/testlogs/ , if you need server to test, you can use lan server or trashmap. if you need more details on the map you can ask here

DDNet 01/24/2025 9:37 PM


alw5 01/24/2025 9:39 PM

just every fly

alw5 01/24/2025 9:39 PM


alw5 01/24/2025 9:39 PM

idk any other maps

alw5 01/24/2025 9:40 PM

maps that have parts not combined

f0rtishka 01/24/2025 9:42 PM

catch the colors is basically the same system where you choose parts you want to complete and they are not combined, though it's very old

f0rtishka 01/24/2025 9:44 PM

i'll add that you could've added more twists like 13th switch or no laser tiles, right now most parts feel soulless and having to complete each twice doesn't help but if you would've added more of those to the parts and make parts feel different from each other map would've felt much better

alw5 01/24/2025 9:45 PM

yeah i would rather have 8 parts

alw5 01/24/2025 9:45 PM

than doing the same twice

alw5 01/24/2025 9:49 PM

i think this should be a map if it isnt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVAbMtERt3k

omegakysiku 01/24/2025 9:52 PM


alw5 01/24/2025 9:53 PM


nameless_me 01/24/2025 10:44 PM

oh ok, I didn't know it was for finished maps only, sorry for wasting space

nameless_me 01/24/2025 10:46 PM

I think I will edit the gameplay to look more like an Aim map, but with solo laser parts mabye? That way there is no tela

nameless_me 01/24/2025 10:47 PM

or maybe I should just scrap this one, since its hard making a map about just one thing, and still making it interesting. The person I made it for liked it how it was, so maybe I'll work on a different map, that is better for ddrace

nameless_me 01/24/2025 10:49 PM

true, many of the parts are based around 1 tile laser, going up, down, across top, middle, and lasering bottom, so I see how its a bit boring, but that was kind of the point, maybe I can't do both, that is, make it for learning laser, and for cool laser parts

nameless_me 01/24/2025 11:13 PM

can I still use this discord thing here even if its been declined? I have a server np, but there isn't anywhere else I can talk to people and get feedback qutie like here? So can I use this channel even if its declined or no?

vena6080 01/24/2025 11:15 PM

this channel will stay for 2 weeks before it gets archive, so yes you can

nameless_me 01/25/2025 12:16 AM

ok ❤️

gazebr 01/25/2025 7:01 AM

You can always ask in


but ye its a bit less active than a dedicated testing channel

nameless_me 01/25/2025 1:49 PM

well, maybe i'll scrap the map, I think I would have to completely redo map to make it how I want it, so its easier to just make a new one about something else. Thanks for the feedback anyway

nameless_me 01/25/2025 1:52 PM

however, I do have to say, I put those cp where they are on purpose, so that if your speedruning it, you have to it first try

nameless_me 01/25/2025 1:54 PM

but the parts are dry and somewhat unbalenced, I tryed to do easyer part, moderate part, burtal part, for each of the sections, so thats why they aren't the same

bumm. 01/25/2025 5:27 PM

we need vagrant 2

louis.place 01/25/2025 5:37 PM

ive got laser maps planned but no vagrant 2 yet 😅