forgot to add teamfoce


do u really have to kill edge 3 times at solo? If yes its kinda annoying and seems like impossible, maybe replace with unfreeze?

na, it's kill edge with holding jump +a/d

but to be less boring maybe delete these freeze

Thx for testing will fix it soon xd. And ps I was not drunk xDDDDD


almost everywhere u didnt use unfreeze tiles

Yes i fix it xd

not worth xd

Wtf okay maybe I was drunk xd will fix it thx for testing

really liked the first parts until middle it was 50/50 and at the end not rly cause I hate weapons and I think the last 3 parts are a bit harder than the rest.

Mb when Iβm home we can test together
@Lenahthen you can tell me whatβs harder ect

said it is easy then I testet with him and we didnt pass the freeze line after 5-10minutes dont know although he said its easy. #nofront π

maybe fix the screens we posted upload map again then we can test

Ye okay I fix it

dont drink and map next time

xd im sry


cant give a rating now how many stars cause imo its unbalanced but maybe when we test again lel

Okay thx

as I said last 2-3 parts are too hard in comparison with other parts. I said I would delete aled in the part where u only have few seconds time to do (look at my last picture) and in last part I would change triple rocket to good double rocket cause if you made it up with rocket u have to go right and make another double in flight, that is hard enough o: And if u fail u have to do triple all over again its rly annoying especially if u almost cant do it. π

Γhm you donβt have to do a Double rocket in the end of the Part π just 1 rocket from the left Wall


Then let me think about another excuse to delete triple rocket

But definitely gonna change the aled part :D. Nah itβs okay Lenah I change to double rocket π

its just what I think maybe ask others too

u also can just make every other part harder xD

Well you are a good player so I think I can trust you when you say itβs harder than the rest π

you can also remove all aled you know :3



maybe im the only one who cant do triple rocket dunno. And other idea. if u change to double rocket u can change the part where u go right after triple also that u need double rocket so u have 2x double instead of 1x triple dunno

Ye i will look ^^

says triple is easy

do you post fixes in first post time and time again?

cause i dont know if you did fixes yet or not

so I didnt test it cause i think you didnt fix π

Didnβt fix anything yet I will fix it today I think but later

fixed all things except the "cheat"/"skip" but big thanks for testing guys ^^

now all fixed xd

fixed all thx

1 tele fix

thx to
1 design bug fix


design looks good so far

Cp 12 is down
@Lenahor wdym

good map, nice flow, nothing to add, i think its ready (there are some skips but they are wanted)

thx for testing i think i fixed all know

thx for the feedback ^^

1little fix


- looks good your change with cp12

So rdy for rls now




added unfreeze


thx for confirmations

delete aled

no xd

delete map


Some Testers pls?


test please?

finally a good tester

i fix thoses, massive thanks ^-^

i wont, otherwise they can tower and hammer fly all the way

for sg fly there are different way

they do as they want

fixed some things should be rdy now




dont think this is the right way of doing the part (whole part is kind of strange and annoying)

some stuff missing hd

Okay thx i try to replace the Part I change Stuff in hd

about the demo its okay you can do the part like this

just made the part easier

and changed stuff in hd

Okay hmm idk xd But Again thx for test

im fixing it

let me

added little part for deep

wrong map name bro

little name fix xd

fixed now its rdy

almost every layer is way to big its like 60% unused space

jungle_midground, generic_deathtiles doesnt need to be embedded

thx for testing

thanks saavik

fix it first

Picture 4.is it necessary ? Picture 5. also is it necessary?

- no
- don't want to remove or mark it?

Mark it

If its necessary i fix all these Things tomorrow

is there any Option that you can do like Waiting for mapper or smth? Cuz i dont have any Motivation.

I can only make it declined if that helps xd

don't worry
@Genexand take your time

Okay π

or allow testers to fix your map and bring it to release, but don't complain later

If you Want you can do it every Other tester is free to fix

I'll take a look on it tomorrow

fixed all thx
@Lady Saavik
When rdy xd

test test test test


u guys r fapping or what

write $ready isnt hard

we don't have many testers for brutal-insane maps, you can always help ddnet at testing

But we cant Test our own map π

You can test other brutal maps so testers have more time for your map

+still too short

I think after you find a good solution to this map is ready

remove teamforce first

it goes against a mapping rule

Only force a certain team size if the map requires it (e.g. if it contains a lot switches, is heavy cheatable with many players), not as an excuse for tight mapping.

You know what just decline it

I dont care anymore rly this Is just bullshit


ur map in testing for only 4 months, this is good time

No wtf and i dont Unterstand Why they gonna rls Ton2 But Not shocktsunami Ye Ye messy mapped ect ofc i Looked at Both Maps and yours is way better

But i dont care now

maybe rezee cares xd

its a really good map afterall

your choice bro

fk yall


u guys are spending ur whole time on maps like ton to test and u completly forget all others maps

im sure that im not the only one who's thinking like that


There was no progress on ton 2 for months

And still Its get rls But shocktsunami is way better xd

i dont think it is better the way it is right now, also ton 2 is much shorter but that has nothing to do with this map here xd

- thing that Qywinc mentioned earlier

1screen okay.

2nd we Already said Its Not necessary you can Cheat if you want cuz it dont rly safe time

3th i dont change the Corners as i Said

Screen from Qywinc i just can make ist smother But dont make it longer Its just a filler

I thought this map was declined


Its Strange after a normal part to make "Just a filler" I think there should be more than this or you make the Part before this short too that both Tees have to do the same amount of Part (length)

After the Part there is a Part both has something to do so for me Its okay

Titos best

Design when xddd

idk LOL


u have last version?

I think xd

@ReZee.u guys are spending ur whole time on maps like ton to test and u completly forget all others maps
you should look at map testing more closely, many brutal-insane maps don't get tests for months, it's not like the attention is directed only on a very few maps, it's rather like we don't have enough testers to look at brutal-insane maps

fixed all now

and reduced layer size



Lil peep

lil ready

lil pussy


they dont answer

just say "wait for test"

Overall a very unbalanced map. Some parts are way too long or just keep dragging on long after it would have been enough, others are too easy compared to the previous, some are faily out of nowhere and then you have things like easy gores just to fill some space. Based on low activity in this channel (not only from testers) it doesn't seem worth the time needed to make this map work. If any other tester wants to put in the work regardless then be my guest but for now it's declined.


Now u have ur answer

Omg finally thx
@Raviei accept your answer thanks for your Feedback




who brought his balls up

to write decline

