"Amnesia" by wee [Brutal]
DDNet 12/20/2024 6:24 PM


DDNet 12/20/2024 6:24 PM
oxyzo. 12/20/2024 6:26 PM
anthonyyx 12/20/2024 6:36 PM

did you use tentrom as an inspiration?

mirfay123 12/20/2024 6:44 PM

wtf looks nice

wee.tw 12/20/2024 6:45 PM

In terms of gameplay - probably not. The only thing i liked is the "spikes" for freeze, but tried to no to copy the style tho, used a different variation of it.

anthonyyx 12/20/2024 6:46 PM

alright, i just got tentrom vibes instantly, both from the "spike" freezes and some parts

.cammo. 12/20/2024 6:47 PM
blaiszephyr 12/20/2024 6:48 PM


wee.tw 12/20/2024 6:50 PM
DDNet 12/20/2024 6:50 PM
wee.tw 12/20/2024 6:51 PM

thanks, lol, editor said everything is alright when i did it :/

wee.tw 12/20/2024 6:51 PM

i mean, it was green

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:19 AM

until this point i dont see any huge problems. ye, need some small fixes, but rn i focus on smth big)

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:25 AM

i dont like this tps
especially last one, what a point to use tp? this is bad practic when u use tp like this.

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:33 AM

hm so it looks like u change only first 20% of map and didnt touch a rest. for example this

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:35 AM

first u used specials tiels which one easy replace to regular one , and also doesn't fit map styling.

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:36 AM

better use deep instead of hammer.

comebackplay 12/21/2024 12:41 AM

Ok i think enough for me. i think this map close to waiting, but not enough. btw u really did good work with first 20%.

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:33 PM

forced aled is meh

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:34 PM

no flow + at the end if you press to much right the dummy die, and if you don't there is a chance for you dummy to die upper

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:35 PM

this is a bit hard for brutal and the space is badly made in many spot

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:37 PM

the flow is broken because you don't pass is in 1 hook

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:39 PM

the entrance in the part is too hard the start of the part with the edge is boring and not great the jump in the part can touch easily the freeze

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:40 PM

and 2 times the same things at the end

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:42 PM

why using teleport for a part 10 tiles away, you can connect it

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:53 PM

stopper not needed

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:53 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 2:55 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 2:55 PM


vena6080 12/21/2024 2:56 PM

the space here is not good, the solo is not great + it's something already mentioned in the past declined

vena6080 12/21/2024 2:56 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 2:58 PM

still cheatable + the entities here are horrible the end of the parts with the grenade is a bit weird and confusing the the rest of enttities

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:02 PM

on the right can smooch the entities then the shield can be hide and the speeders are just useless

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:03 PM

part not fix since the declined stopper sucks here, the space is bad with the platform, the dummy swing and goes in the tele the hook after that is bad too

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:04 PM

cool drag but easy to cheat

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:06 PM

unbalanced, right is hard , left is easy

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:07 PM

the end is still bad/ not fixed and a weird cp

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:10 PM

the set up is bad and the space is bad too

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:16 PM


vena6080 12/21/2024 3:16 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 3:17 PM

2 bad hook

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:18 PM

too much speed down on this swing is not smooth and make is bad to play

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:19 PM

why random stopper

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:26 PM

really weird and i didn't use those HT

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:27 PM

no space for the throw, and wtf the end of the part you are on a hook it's not rly stable for this hook

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:28 PM

k nvm the end of the part is not what i thought

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:37 PM

timecp 10 badly place, lake of space and the unhook tile is not needed + useless because u can still hook

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:37 PM

some stopper are for anti cheat but not even sure you can cheat that

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:38 PM

the unsolo is useless

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:38 PM

timing press is back, i died on this press left when i saw the arrow

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:38 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 3:41 PM

broken, shiel kill the run, + next part kill the run

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:43 PM

space bad, the block and freeze blocking the throw

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:43 PM
vena6080 12/21/2024 3:46 PM

many way to not use the speeder here

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:47 PM

the structure idea like the map control is cool but can't see the diff in design

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:48 PM

still need some work on the structure, specially on kill tile structure it doesn't flw a good logic, it's a bit random

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:49 PM

parts are creative but few problems, sometime a bit unbalanced, or some flow problems added to problems mentioned

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:50 PM

some of the things already mentioned on the first decline are not fixed + need a biggest rework, so decline

DDNet 12/21/2024 3:50 PM


vena6080 12/21/2024 3:52 PM

test more the map, having impossible parts is not normal. try to make it cleaner in entities, many are useless, or can be replace, and some can be with a better placement or inside another entities (like shield in unhook (care for cheats) or cp in undeep or timecp ...)

vena6080 12/21/2024 3:53 PM

also the tele should mark where you respawn (in general spawn don't need mark but here the spawn is used in the part)

oxyzo. 12/21/2024 8:06 PM

i scrolled for so long

gwin0556 12/22/2024 7:57 PM

Oh i know its map

gwin0556 12/22/2024 7:57 PM

Its insane :0