this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

it's like slide 1 but with more ways to go. last parts are pretty long but gameplay is good.

thank you maggi

made one spot unfaily

design bug fixed



again design bug fixed now rls

yes release with out testing

Some testers already tested the map, and sorah is an experienced mapper.

Let's wait for more feedback of it tho

added new laser move in CP6 part and thanks to ReD for testing talked with him/her on the server.

the map is good but not an increase to the first one, I found the first one more interesting

- Fixed 3 Design bugs

thank you :) and is that a problem that its not an increase ?

- little design change in CP 9 part

nice map better than slide 1

the freeze at the bottom of the map is weird when u zoom out tho

i guess it dont matter

best sign btw

Nice map, gameplay is good, multiple way and design is cool. Perfect !

the best solo map returrn

where are bugs

in your pants


now I feel fulfilled

thank you for the test
@Lady Saavik

thats a feature what do you mean

2 mini "bug" fixes


Map seems really fun, here's what I found:

Map felt like a nice build on the first slide, introduced some interesting challenging laser shots. Definitely a fun map with good potential. I think with a bit better balancing like a harder ending it would be nice from a gameplay perspective.
I think a few more spikes and the same fade you have on the bottom flipped and placed on the top would be quite nice for the design.
Otherwise its good for release imo

since i wanted tha map to be a chill map to relax i dont like the idea of makeing it harder and more freeze would make it repetitive

meeeh no more spikes :(

i see that stuff as one part and dont want to split it with a checkpoint and about changeing the tele i dont really wanna do that since i like the idea of falling far down about the unfreeze you should redo the whole part if you fail something and not only a part of it

but still thank you for the test
@Soapy Sandwich:)

with that being said

one little design fix again :/

In the last screenshot I think you should at least do the upward spikes on top so you don't hit the wall and stop in stun. You could also add unfreeze there but that's not the best fix imo.
As for redoing the whole part, skipping on jump isn't that bad XD imo it will make the player feel good if they land there and, instead of helplessly watching there tee go back to start, they can jump up and save some progress. At least I was quite bummed that i didn't unfreeze in time to continue going up.

i will think about the tele change so you dont hit the wall and probaly will change it later today but for now its bed time

Sleep well 🙂

changed the tele

thats what you wanted ?

Yes that is one of the things I wanted 🙂

some minor changes in cp4 part

anti ouis fail in cp8 part

$ready 2

bot bugged on that one didnt it? (its been released for over 2 weeks now)


nooooo :(

i wanted it to stay here forever