this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

cool map rls

Bingbong ☎️



good map

as always btw





very creative map, and easy to understand 🙂

Cool map i like it

i should drop it year ago

when we didnt know how many cheated solo r1 s you had?

r1 like 3 or 4 or even less lul, u still don't know how many)



id close start just in case

imo its not too tight because its not fail if you get a bad rocket.


do you see anything i rly must change lol?

what do u think about louis messages

Почему они 100 лет отвечают

Время поиграть у них всегда есть

Я теперь поняла, почему ты просто забил тогда

imo this map is hard enough to not have a tele laser part where you dont actually have to use the tele laser i dont care about the things louis pointed out but hes the tester and i am not tbh i think the swing part at the bottom is too hard or i am too bad, but it feels to me like the rest of the map is way easier than that one part

ye its because i like playing the game and i dont like testing maps


Ты не тестер, хорошо. К тебе нет вопросов. Но тут много тестеров и многие из них относятся как-то предвзято к мапперам, иногда просто забивают на карты.


u only need 1 quad

those quads should not be transparent? or if there is many layers it doesnt matter?

well if u want double gradient effect u need 2 quads

sky quads with transparency are a bug

Why would i change it i don't understand

I need this gradient

well u have extra quads

u can do it with 1 / 2 quads





ok so make sure the bottom quad layer isnt transparent

then put a gradient on the bottom one

i'm not good at design

and if u want a gradient coming from the bottom too, u can add another

if u cant do it ill just do it later

Thanks louisy :3


make sure the colors are same

the background u had was transparent, which means that it'll change for each person based on their personal background settings

so u can just take this map and edit the colors to whatever u want now. it just couldnt be transparent

also the size went to 500 kb > 165 kb cuz u kinda had a useless quad in the bg, i removed it cuz u cant really tell a difference but u can put it back in if you really want

so look over it and change it if u want

then itll be ready after a final test

Well, it's fine, thanks to test, guess it's ready if u don't have any more ideas to change anything


ya ya i ask another tester to test then cna probably ready

i feel like nade part big swing at the bottom is kinda unbalanced

maybe i dont know how to do it

but it seemed p hard especially since u really only have 1 chance to do it

yes it is

10 years later...

are u gonna fix it

I guess ye

Need to check it



Когда переделаешь?

Я занят(


Я хотел написать

Давай работай

Мы всё ждём

Но кикер больше всего

Ради кикера получается


Там ведь быстро

Okay, all is ok i guess, won't change anything

Шёл 2029 год

Они издеваются



Дайте мне книгу жалоб

Не плач, сестра разберётся

Жду 🥺



little kicker's suggestion

Moved spawntiles down





u can do this swing without getting dj

make this 1 > plz

top = 4 and unfreeze = 4 wide, but bottom 5 blocks



Same Konsti

corner here? for freeze against hookable

if u want prettier spawn u can remove freeze before startline and move start a little > so the corners dont conflict

only suggestion tho, doesnt matter much

Yeah ok

Didn’t understand this


I see


might want to add corner here too, other places have corner

good map, nade parts cool

still think double part is a tiny unbalanced but maybe im just bad

anyways if u fix those changes ill try to ready it in a few days, seems like other testers didn't have too much else to say here

neat little map, i like the gameplay
the double is the hardest part but it takes ~25 seconds to get there and once you get the hang of it its not too hard
the laser part is very weird. the way you do it in the demo doesnt work anymore? atleast not for me idk. it looks like the weapon tele function is completely useless there
ok idk what was going an works now, but still weird that you dont have to use the feature
design: the stars look a little weird, maybe make them even smaller? idk if u like it you can keep them as they are the blue and yellow weapon tele tiles look very weirdly out of place because the tileset doesnt really fit in with the other generic tiles. maybe you find a different tileset or use generic recolored tiles?

Sometimes you don't even need double to pass grenade part, laser part just work in two ways, just use this feature will gives u some secs, if u like the way without telelaser it's fine, that's why i made 2 ways there. idk about design cause i'm suck in it

Это шутка какая-то? Другие карты за месяц релизают. Хоть у них и больше касяков на картах.

Да не заморачивайся ты так)

Я бы ещё дизайн изменил, но мне лень над этим работать и я не умею



ah i forgot about this map

Not surprised

nice map tho

delete unused envelopes

and fix the other things..



Ronin found his maps again

N9 is alive

$ready 3



My one should be in priority

Thats sad

no we mix up servers and mappers

but 5 solo maps b4 yes