omg so quick

test today?


i tested this map with waf and dancao and hope there are no big problem

im gonna fight you jao


thats a long ass gun in your profile pic

small tee


everything works perfectly

except one part

cp 30

its way too hard or I dont get it

btw its kinda cheatable, no need to put it in the stoppers

you can go instant down

someones gonna startline skip this

Plz dont do dummy drags

They are the worst things ever made

This map good no ruining allowed

Thank you

no dummy drags in this map and i fixed the cp 30

fixed all tile errors and cheats Coke found

i dont know if its worth doing this cheat , its pretty hard


still poss

i think it becomes easy with dj cancel

good map release

Good apm

lol what is apm



i am timeout .....

removed some unmarked speeder and other small changes

@Cøkea lot

ahhh sorry new dj mark


gute map

👍 👍 👍 👍

$ready 1

What ? Flower icon stands for moderate right ?

You really think this is moderate ?

i really dislike that you make your starts bad for t0 every time

its not hard to make it work properly..

also, dont spam toteles - unless its a very early part that potentially has a lot people being ported at once (like 5+), you only need 1 totele

its way better to have consistent spawning points

^especially on 19,23,28 teleto. Better remove the most left teleto to allow doing the part instant without potentional doublehook which relies on where he spawns. Also, I would love to see cp 7(the dummy drag) part changed or removed. That way the map would be quite dummy friendly.

f3 on removing the dummy drag

actual parts are pretty decent but the solo parts are bad

they are way too long, boring, time wasting and annoying since they rely on precision

you should either make them significantly shorter or way more interesting

short fillers are nice but this is too much

teles below parts are way too low, you dont want to wait multiple secs after failing

what is short filter

Noob filter?

filler not filter

last normal part is a bit too hard

also way too much hammerfly in the map

hf is boring and slow

(1) if u dont look ahead (which many wont on a moderate map) u gotta redo whole part

(2) if u lag u dead

also 1 doesn't work for me when i have a lot of ping for some reason

only 2 hf is necessary🤔

1) doesnt consistently work for me either

I have fixed some flaws and removed the dummy drag part. I will rework the solo parts and try to fix other problems in one day. Always thanks to Jao and other testers

removed dummy drag part

reworked 2 solo parts

deleted some toteles

reworked the start part

delete the fail-able part

ahh, wait i forgot test a new part, sorry

new part fixed

also make the teles below part more close and other small changes


nice drag parts 👍

fixed all Kicker mentioned

reworked the solo part

I didnt move the cp 7 but removed the tele on the right

if people failed at cp5, they can go back to cp5

other small things all fixed

please rework the first parts properly to make them well playable for t0. players will feel that your fixes were sloppy

changed some small things

sorry i didnt change the first part. i didnt get what you mean , 'make them well playable for t0' isnt a clearly advice, and i didnt feel any uncomfortable in first part (if the first part you said is the first part after start line)

try fix first part for t0 , and fixed other small things

endline moved, fixe wrong marks

fixed corner bugs

resolved a lot tele issues, mainly missing back teles. remember that you can play a map with multiple people, which may require you to go back sometimes. it all looks a bit ugly now, but thats the result of not doing it properly from the start. please keep this in mind for your next map.

i also added an extra platform + cp at first part

thank you jao


i will make only teamforce map in the future


thank you coke

fixed another bug and decreased filesize

$ready 5

i wanna make this unhookable

nice compressed



look better for me

then no

why keep this hookable

people can hook this

not from down


ok, then this

whats the difference

i mean how is this version better than mine

people has more space


pretty sure it’s brutal



i guess

solo parts are big stupid

its long moderate 5.5* so its kinda on the edge

im fine with mod 5*

I want to play