this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

-Added missed time check points

basically another coll map, but there are some problems: scuffed and unbalanced parts (in my opinion):

also deepfly is on

for what that right hook? c:

that is all from me for now. I hope it helps what I send you to make your map better 🥹 .

agree with what ilak said, unbalanced and too tight in some parts, the utilization of cp and teleport are good, and the parts have some good idea. some stoppers are useless and care with the cheats, they is problems with the structure and space. i think the map could be good, but it need a big rework, or maybe recreate a map with some of the existent part. but for now it's a $decline . also i would fill the blocks which appear in design. gl for your next map / for the rework.


Design is personal thing in this case

Nice map

we hope to see you again soon


this map aint this bad as u guys are making it out to be lol

dont think worth insta declining

-Balanced deepdrag part at the end, edited some parts

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

-Remade first part a bit

-Fixed many things and reworked some parts

y u still making updates? they declined it

not to be discouraging, just curious..