this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

nice, gl with map

looks nice

Some fixes after played with Coke yesterday

what are the changes?

put cto on ground, removed double cto on one player sides. more room on prt tele 12 adn 15 for swing. made nf to prt 1. made prt 1 easier. prt tele 17 changed. prt tele 40 changed shotgun jump by. added cto 44. added swing prt 30 and removed some hookable there. removed some tele prt 26 and some deko changes.

comfort changes tele 3 and 5

added ht on part tele 31 and a platform on part tele 38

changees part tele 33 and sign changes weapon tele 27

useless edge

long part

this way fallible need some info or remap

annoying place

no need wepon tele, just put wall

why noob filter in teamforce map

1 after tele put this more down 2 double edgehook for nonreason and no balance at the end part.

put here frezze

this unfrezze not clear. put more unfrezee

Heartcore is also team force (iirc) and also has a noobfiltet

1 wrong shield 2 no reason for solo unsolo on this part

1 no need hook wall better unhook 2 add +2sek down way

at all this so boring part for down tee. i like ur old version but with tele (for up) and no so long way (for down)

1 this filler really boring 2 bbetter just left this part with small filler part

2 Noreason for switch, it is only confusing ppl. 1 put tele here 3 replace shield for other side.


ps i mentioned only impotant staff. but i not shure if after fix it is realesable.

thanks 4 the feedback triki, most of is is really usefull, like stuff i didnt thought about in the first place

need so much work on this for release

np man.

but I do not agree with everything (different feedback). I'll rework the the stuff u (an others) mentioned and then we'll see 🙂

thanks again 4 testing man!

fixed some of the mentioned points by triki so far

why noob filter in teamforce map

I choose my teammates after they're done with the nf to see who is even capable of playing tw at a certain level. So i personally have no problem with nf in team force maps.

noobfilter in teamforce maps are useless and time waste

before the discussion ceeps on going - i removed the nf

why noob filter in teamforce map

to troll u jao

added pr (was gone with nf)

water is now animated

so i tested it with DarkOort, the map in general is fine, enjoyed playing it, pretty chill map imo maybe u could make the parts harder but thats testers choice. a thing i noticed too often is that sometimes there are too many filler parts and kinda useless ones



make up your mind triki

i mean not rly info "signs" . i mean need use better gametiles for info. idk if u got me.

here i use 0 signs, but it is clear where need fall. And this is too info.

well there is only one spot where there is 1 freeze on bottom, seems clear to me as well, at least not as unclear as other map parts. but at least i get what you mean now, but it's nothing he has to change, just watch before jumping down helps

he alredy did change.its ok now

changed the recommanded. Also changed tele 38 and 12 a little bit


fixed a skip i found on part 34 and also made a reset on part 20 so dont have to w8 for your mate to come back if u fail

Honestly love the design, one of the most unique I've seen so far, sadly you just kept the spawn really nice the rest kind of looks generic. Hookable should have a different color to fit the color scheme better, the deep blue mountains in the back a little more desaturated and maybe add some more spots that look similar to spawn so it blends into each other. The parts itself are mostly creative, a few are pretty tedious, didn't check out all of them. Over all a good map but definitely not my style of parts, that doesn't mean they are horrible. I just don't like most of the setups they use, it's missing more parts that flow into each other, at least for my taste. Keep it up.

Thanks for the detailed feedback! I Added some more Spots that look like the start all over the map and I've changed the bg color as well. I also changed part tele 5 and part tele 50 a bit and repaired some animations. If there are more guys that would like to change the color of the hookable - i will do so, but i pretty like it like it is.

found freeze tiles instead tele zweitleben knows , i showed him

where is fix ?

Is going to upload the fix if its ready

i also changed part tele 5 a bit and changed cp 27

Some bug fixes (thx to Tsin) and an Team up! - Information at the Start

Hey, can you dim the background stars? , they are very big and that makes it ugly

thanks QuiX for help

2p force

oh! ok that changes things

u can do it with coords too but idk

maybe whole floor 2 freeze


okay, so thanks 4 all the testing! 🙂 good points- i will change the mentioned quick and upload the result. Just one Question, i dont get the CTO 22 move, can u tell me why?

sure! so as I understand the part you want to start running at kinda the same time, so the upper player gets speed with grenade and shoots one grenade down and gives the other player speed. when this attempt fails, it would be nice to just fall into tele and start again without having to walk all the way back. you already have a tocp there so it would be just moving the tile

ok, im totally confused :D. I had the same idea like u so, the CTO22 is at the point where the down tee has to start again. did you start at the left position while testing ?

ahh ok, yeah we started from left because we managed to get more speed for down player with the little hill of hookables. so you use that field of hook near were the CTO22 + grenade to get the speed. maybe just remove the hook from left so people don't get tempted to start the run from there


i can give u a demo if u want


oh yeaaaah we forgot about it dang yes last screens no need fix then

he should still lower the floor there, you can tower by synchronising coordinates

true true but is it really worth it tho? i mean normal way takes less than 3 sec xD

but i guess if u want it to look cool and force normal way then yes go for it ! :3

i already changed it like they way Coke said ^^

in these cases it's simple math: non-zero chance that people will try it. fix brings zero consequences to gameplay, so it's worth it to fix it

last bugs of no wall behind unhook:

fixed it


that's all

$ready 3


♥ GG

i think i followed this for 4-5 months

congrats on the ready, bro!

Thanks to all of the Congrats

removed invisible design tiles (21775)

there are two unused envelopes you could delete

thanks tux, the 3 missing walls was my code and I will fix that quickly

and do for other maps

when I went through every tile I forgot HD off vs HD on 🤦♂️

ah yeah I was wondering if that script was responsible for it, anyway can we try it out ourselves already or in near future? :)

removed 3 empty envelope layers, thanks tux