"RedMonster" by Anatomy [Brutal]
DDNet 01/11/2023 2:35 PM
@scary oblivion

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 01/11/2023 2:35 PM
scary oblivion 01/11/2023 4:16 PM

what mean time cps

scary oblivion 01/11/2023 4:16 PM


cankick 01/11/2023 4:51 PM


cankick 01/11/2023 4:51 PM


scary oblivion 01/11/2023 4:54 PM

watafak is is

scary oblivion 01/11/2023 4:54 PM


scary oblivion 01/11/2023 4:54 PM


cankick 01/11/2023 4:58 PM
cankick 01/11/2023 4:59 PM
cankick 01/11/2023 4:59 PM


cankick 01/11/2023 4:59 PM


scary oblivion 01/11/2023 5:26 PM

how do i need place this

scary oblivion 01/11/2023 5:26 PM

like checkpoint?

Steinchen 01/11/2023 5:43 PM

wtf is that noobfilter 💀

Steinchen 01/11/2023 5:44 PM


lolkildal 01/11/2023 7:03 PM
Thortilla T.D.M 01/11/2023 8:31 PM


Starkiller 01/11/2023 11:56 PM

be smart and do hh

PopCorn181 01/12/2023 12:38 AM

All designs are bugged in unhookables.

Steinchen 01/12/2023 5:22 AM

Im a Red Alpha Monster, anything solo 😎

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:39 AM

where u find it

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:44 AM
Ninjed 01/12/2023 5:44 AM

Take a look on every big block

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:44 AM


scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:45 AM


scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:45 AM

on 20% maps have too this problem xD

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:46 AM

aip gores

cankick 01/12/2023 6:36 AM

no problem

Aoe 01/12/2023 7:14 AM

The map is very unbalanced, it is extremely faily with some very easy parts mixed in. I counted 14x aleds in total which is way too many for such a short map. It feels very compact & there is only room for maximum 2-4 tees on each part. I think the map has potential if you remade it by upscaling the faily hammer hits & flies by making the parts 3x bigger and removed the very easy parts like this one:

Aoe 01/12/2023 7:14 AM
scary oblivion 01/12/2023 8:14 AM

ok i will

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 1:05 PM
scary oblivion 01/12/2023 1:05 PM

look,i reworked some parts ;o

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 1:05 PM

but im tooooo lazy to do all map bigger xD

Ninjed 01/12/2023 5:03 PM

Mapping not for lazy asses, put heart into this and then, maybe (not even 25% chance), you could be good mapper

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:19 PM


scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:19 PM

im created block map

scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:19 PM


scary oblivion 01/12/2023 5:25 PM
texnonik 01/12/2023 7:34 PM

Golden words

scary oblivion 01/13/2023 11:39 AM
DDNet 01/13/2023 11:40 AM
scary oblivion 01/13/2023 3:28 PM


DDNet 01/13/2023 3:28 PM
scary oblivion 01/14/2023 7:22 AM

wtf is this

Ryu 01/14/2023 7:34 AM

its old hookthrough without a block underneath

scary oblivion 01/14/2023 7:34 AM

anyway dont understand,i didnt place old hookthrough

scary oblivion 01/14/2023 7:34 AM


Patiga 01/14/2023 12:48 PM

when you go to the coordinates, the old hookthrough blocks are there

Patiga 01/14/2023 12:48 PM

to fix, just remove them :)

scary oblivion 01/14/2023 1:46 PM

oh ok

scary oblivion 01/14/2023 1:46 PM


scary oblivion 01/14/2023 2:18 PM
Arrow 01/17/2023 1:53 AM

This map has more of the same problems as the solo of yours, the extremely failyness is not that an issue in t0 maps but is important to, the problematic with space is really important, you cant do the parts in a comfortable way if you dont provide the right space...about the gameplay is the parts are not interesting at all and really annoying to play, besides drags on brutal maps have to have something interesting to show in most aspects, not just an edge hook and move forward you know.

Arrow 01/17/2023 1:53 AM


scary oblivion 01/17/2023 4:23 AM
