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Cool idea for a map, however I think it is too short even for a novice

Mainly due to the fact that the majority of the parts are skippable with telegun

I think there are too many telegun tiles, which not only makes it easier for better players to skip parts, but also harder for newer players to understand what they are supposed to do. With refinement, and some additional parts I think the map could be good 🙂

You might also consider taking away the telegun in certain sections if you want to force a part (just an idea though)

Brain cogs just work and I have an idea to fix this

Will try to make it easier somehow then !

Will try adding psrts but knowing myself it probably won’t be a lot of parts

Ty for the feedback will work on it a bit later

good luck on it 🙂

Fixed part cp 5 to be easier and made the drag a bit less cheatable. Im aware you can solo make the drag with teleport gun still

Also wanna add I know you can cheat tp 1, which I'll try to fix later by using hookthrough tiles instead of unhook teleport tiles

You can do teleport 3 with 2 gunshots by shooting full left and one full up, this one I think Im just gonna keep, but I can make the full left wall hookthrough if needed, or some other fix if anyone comes up with it

And Im also aware that, altho hard, you can get thru the stoppers by shooting the corner where they end while holding d (I only managed to do it once when testing tho)

also I just realized you can skip tp 6 by shooting dummy thru corner lemme fix that

also added corners and stuff

visual bug fix

more fix

well its not just shooting the wall, you can literally just stack on top of the freeze

i think it might be cool for the deep part to have to hammer your dummy for them to use telegun to get through the stoppers

Other than that, I like the fixes you made to cp5 and the drag part

:0 that sounds cool as shit

I didnt even think you could do that

fixed a few skips

oops forgot to move something

more skip fixes

more changes woo

quality of life changes


2 skips

1 at first part and 1 at last part

idk is this speedrun skip is ok for you or not (not a must to fix since this is novice map, just point out you can do this)

So I know of this one and I’m fine with it

No clue what to do ab this tho I’ve debated over placing some no collission tile somehow but na wouldn’t work

Tks for feedback tho! I’ll add the unfreeze and maybe try adding a hammer indicator somewhere for the deep part lol ^^

added the unfreeze

por qué tan grande los letreros?, recuerda que tienen que ir detrás del tee no delante

Siento que el unico demasiado grande es el de gg al final

Y okei dsps lo edito

Pa ponerlos atras

Y demas

and put a better design to where to shoot

something similar to pogchy

and obviously not the same colour just put whatever fits map design

try to make the map more interesting but easy u know

So far all unhook has been telegun

It’s more of a style choice to follow the style of the rest of the map

yes is consistent but its just unnecessary

Well, I'll go over what you've sent me and try to come up with solutions, ty for the feedback!

btw I dont understand y u think this is too hard its literally just shooting the platform from the other side


currently doing the changes tho ^^


not everything has been fixed from what arrow asked for but I felt like I should send this in case I forget to send anything. I also know I need to add text for the deep part cause it's gotten a bit harder. Also harder to explain tho so uhhh

not hard but confuse for novice imo

the deep part

or you make it a wall also can

can still stack with wall in this case but I get it Ill try to make solution

I actually really liked that fix too that one was hitting me hard in the head lol

didnt take time to test is it still wallable, just try to tell you that you can fix in this way


not a big problem but maybe you would like to fix it

I might be overdoing it with speedups

and also about the edge you can just let tele 1 block longer beside of using speedup (more nice to look)



it should still be possible to shoot the guy as he falls down and avoid the part

Wait gotta fix the entities

you can still back and do the same, so put untelegun+telegun

ill send u the fixed block of this generics

already doesnt matter after player touched the start, because they wont run for nothing

as long as they get the finish

idk if still available but im sure i read that the finish line shouldn't be skipable due cheats

for starters, just changed unhook and ht to the version of generic arrow sent me

woah thats like so many less kb did I miss a part

added a few that I missed + added the telegun to be after the start line

also wanted to add cheeser u're a goat for finding all those corners holy shit tysm

added missing corners

some more quality of life changes

just some ptsd on my old map

Was more of a ppaceholder cause my brain at 2 am couldn’t find the hammer :’)

couldnt find the hammer thingy but fixed corners

use other tile set

added something arrow said a while ago, and ight

decided to use a quad saying hammer them instead

more changes, this time some I didnt do earlier that cheeser suggested

the colors doesnt match at all


you still fixing?

slowly, if Im honest I haven't touched much, and while I do plan on working on it it might be worth it to just decline and have me resubmit when I rework it

