i saw someone playing arcadian 1 that map was insanly cool ! Need to play it and this ! Thank you !

maybe add speedups at start ?

ok there thank you. Was not here before

Thanks texnonik. You are going to have to be a little bit more clear as i dont fully understand what you are refering to in your screens or suggestions. Please clarify^^

I don't understand the cheat unless you mean fly and hammer up ? First screenshot I understand and will mark.

you can get rocket to cto 31 by going back fast ( can you ? i am not sure (in team 0 (3p possible definitely) )

You guys need help with testing? In return i want u guys to check my (not finished map) is that a good deal?

Thanks texnonik, I don't know how I was so blind I didn't see the grenade/rocket. XD Cheat has been fixed and hammer symbol has been included, also slightly improved the flow of the part where hammer was missing with better use of CPs.
Thanks again for the test texnonik, we do appreciate it.

let me know what I can test for you and I'll do my best :).

lets test your map together and then play mine together?

I raised Soapy to have better manners than this n000b. Sorry about that.
That would be a nice exchange we can do sometime soon.

Finally broke out of jimmy's basement, so when you keen to do it @n000b

I am pretty busy late, but maybe saturday evening or something.

Can't tonight sadly but tomorrow?

Ah yeah i can try

Yeah today is a good day, let me know at what time

Sorry man I really don't go on discord enough XD

Haha, i will hit you up ingame, but i think that will be after my holdiaytrip to Tenerife.

n000b when you ready to test again 😃

This weekend i guess

Cool map

@тυxI will definitely use that suggestion.

- Added Tux's suggestion.
- Marked that hammer is required in long drag.
- Made use of friendlier switches and redesigned solo part.
- Added pauseable.
- In jetpack part endless hook is far away as it must be obtained while dragging the other tee.
- Made the cheat in the jetpack part harder/impossible.
- Fixed the little cheat in the first deep part.
- I don't personally find the drag part too long, also I am not sure what makes the end hook faily.

Hey sorry will get on it soon soapy has been MIA for a while now and i have also not been on TW much lately. Will send a revised version in a week or so. Sorry


moving this back when there is an update

Hey sorry I've been away for a while, haven't had much chance to work on maps XD I have adjusted a lot of parts please let me know if this is a better map XD


Testing became a bit in a slow gear so i am not sure if the right persons test it soon.

waited nearly a year whats a few more months 🙂

that noobfilter is too hard and ultra annoying 😦

maybe im just too bad

Probably 95% bad but ye you can skip the solo if atleast one person does it. You could even use a dummy so no one has to do the solo again 😛

Then what is the function of the noobfilter

to annoy everyone yes

but idk

Am I the only one who can't do this noobfilter?

i did it

it's not insanely hard

u must be doing it wrong

but i think it's annoying


In my opinion it's solid and fits the map's difficulty but might scare some players away.. 🤔

the ninja as a weapon is outdated

that's why it's annoying

ninja is fun

in some cases

worst gun



I really dont care if we remove the solo but if you find that part hard/ annoying, dont attempt the map.
And the point of a noob filter is to filter out the noobs. If a new player votes the map, i want them to understand the map requires more than your past 30 moderate maps which are all the same map with a different design. Basically teaches nothing.
If they do the solo, then either they can practice it more or leave a dummy at the other side. But yeah i dont expect more than 100/200 finishes? Keep solo, Remove solo, i dont care.

the nf is not hard compared to the map

dont forget its brutal and not mod

noob filters are useless anyway

Seems like priority in map testing is useless too.

lets forget the solo for now and just focus on the fixes that were made so i can move on.

F3. I maybe have time to take a look at it this weekend, but don't expect anything from my side.

All good man. I appreciate that. As long as you dont test the next 50 maps that come after ill be happy. 🙂

i dont think you have the place to complain about not being prioritized after not sending an update for like 2 months

True af

true but testing is random xD

not really, maps that need little or no testing get quick release

example <#642308728837767168>

hmmm i wont make it a long message but the map was posted in March and the ddnet bot posted in september so its nearly 6 months. At that point it was a drag plus i was working a lot. Soapy had the official map because he did extra tests with you if im correct.
At this point how is the map hard to test? Everything works, we fixed what was asked. We ran multiple times. When someone creates a map, they want the workflow to continue to some degree. At this point with all the testing and fixing the least that could be done would move this to somewhere in your general "to test maps" based off how long its been here and not "how hard it is to test"?

"how is the map hard to test?" -> its essentially a new map for me now since i dont remember anything about it anymore

if youd have followed up with a fix shortly after my last test the effort to get it done would have been a lot smaller

but i agree that its also my fault for taking so long

i dont have any "to test maps" btw

i test what i feel like testing

Ok you do you then. Test whatever you want. My point is still priority. And considering we only made minor adjustments and a few minor part reworks, it seems weird that its now a brand new map for you considering youve seen the map countless times now. We didnt rework the map i promise. It would be obvious if you opened the map too.
"i dont have any "to test maps" btw i test what i feel like testing" Yes we have all noticed this man, its called lack of priority and the thing that frustrates mappers.
"if youd have followed up with a fix shortly after my last test the effort to get it done would have been a lot smaller" And yeah i didnt think about this at the time when i was working from 6 AM till 5PM roughly every day. I should have just taken my computer to work i guess. My bad after 6 months of posting the map.

i need someone for a final run

Doubt i can run with you but if soapy is online i could run with him for you?

Sorry I missed so much. Had a rough patch with work recently and forgot to check arcadian again. Not used to discord without notifications of updates here.
That aside I am available for testing the map today if anyone would like to see it. Sorry that you had to end up making changes jao but thanks again for all the work you do.

Hopefully jao can't find 100 mistakes this time XD

ready 3*

Much appreciated ^^

3 stars is fine

I thought map was going to be 2 stars xD so dont talk to me.

yeah its just long but not that hard anyway nice map :)


won’t fix

fix pls

move cp pls

if u wanna finish with 4 ppl and u arent playing in entities it's gonna happen to u

it's not worth reuploading map for this

u reuploaded yun gu 2 for a missing freeze tile

stuck like that forever

wouldnt make this map better

yes but it would prevent failing at 125 minutes