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Big skips again?


only little

jetpack mark

Bad name

pls add "sv_solo_server 1" in server settings so its easier to test with all the switches

solo settings + fix design bugs

in my run i have not used jetpack off, jump refill and cp22

no design for stopper left side of start

i don't understand, did you save jetpack?

Yes go around the map

Not faster but safe way😁

removed the ability to fly around the map + now impossible to skip CP 13 for save jet + you can't go back after getting 2 jumps(stoppers) + stopers design + now you need overclocking to get to cp22 , thx Coke and IKU

(I do not know how I did not notice that can fly around xD)

unfreeze for cp22

u want the second way back to finish with laser ?


fix it

you can still skip cp22

fix it + remove stupid generic tile before finish

You can't skip it now, i think


u can still skip it

Fixed a lot of parts, thanks to Coke

put unfreezes in all totele

thx Knuski and Coke, I fixed everything except 2 pic. If i put 0jump instead of 1 that this will complicate part + will not be able to return back to tp 14 if fall

not that it makes a big difference or anything

+1,3. I think unfreeze in teleports is more correct in this part

cool map, I enjoyed it

Good map, i didn't find any skip

thx Ravie, i put more hookables and added +2unfreeze + now impossible skip cp8(put more cp)


Did you find this skip?

u fxied it


Я вообще не был уверен что это возможно было сделать, но предположил то, что только гении вроде тебя и раина смогли бы , поэтому пришлось фиксить на всякий случай

Да, там оказалось не так сложно:)

Кстати, первая мапа была с очень креативными скипами, прям класс, а тут я больше не нашёл, кроме cp8

do I understand it right?

you get jump, go back to start and can lose jumps again because of invisible 0 jumps tiles?

before jumping up into finish?

u have rocket

it works without jump

age restricted 😂

order 3 unused


Fixed Knuski's pic , removed order 3, change design of jumps marks, move logo

thx Knuski

logo should say where am i 2 ? maybe cuz the current one is same for the 1st one ?

It's more of a phrase than a title

Oh you made this

is this allowed?

also I don't really like the new '1 jump' '2 jump' markings, they were fine before

nasty mini skip

Previously, there were incomprehensible stupid lines

i thought that was just another way to do it xd

If the testers allow it to remain, then I would not mind

it can stay imo

yes this way easier but slower

I remember black jump marking with tiny number, that was good

icons > text always

ok, I can return old marks

yes new mark look not good

its okay


$ready 3