this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

no. shouldnt deepfly 0 take care of that? o.o

"sv_deepfly Allow fire non auto weapons when deep 1"

i would be interested on how the part generally works, we couldn't find an intuitive way and it seems like a big flow break

coke found a way to do it in 2 steps, but I wonder if it's possible to do in one go

im not on pc right now but you use the swing to get a bit of speed and put a double grenade. i think you can do a double on the ceiling with spamjump too tho

the double to get up is weird as of right now, wouldn't it be better if it was possible to use the swing again to get up? i think you would just need to extend the unfreeze

u dont need a double to get yourself up

mhh ok I see but that's not really obvious i think you should lower the freeze so it's more clear

just 2 blocks e.g.


Im cornerum

gameplay is not that fun for me telegun off in the end is skipable

had a little test with ravie and Qed. im gonna change that swing part later. i

made the map a bit less mean. and remove all spots in which you could rest without dying

tested with coke

changed the end

changed that double grenade part a bit and added info

rest to die one of my fav dummy, this one is garbage imo, but still worth to rls i guess, so i would add more hookables so u are not dragging ur dummy with zero speed whole map

$ready 3

maybe you should've waited for corneum to answer to kicker and red before making it ready 😅

nothing rly important imo

wait, can you touch the CP tele without taking CP1?

that's a fail

ofc u can

5days for release


@Lady Saavikwait, can you touch the CP tele without taking CP1?
i dont think i used cp tele

@ReZee.5days for release
mapper is corneum

on my last 2 maps i really took my time to test them. i dont think any tester prefers my map. there just isnt too much to test anymore ok


stop offtpic please

wdym offtopic