this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

color behind sg ?

Thanks, fixed everything you posted

cool concept of small climb up map. Some jumps feel like pretty much randompixels. Do you really want it that close? Map is Short but minimum 3 if not 4

i'd make every move in this map very hard, so i made it

if it will be very hard and faily ofc i would make it easier

i guess you forgot to add the solo command

What is this?

I do not remember i did like that before, but ok

not needed, solo server places tee in separate team

Any words?

yeah i heard there's a few here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/



Map has no flow at all for me doing all the long jumps in one run is so annoying

ya that's a good one glad to see u liked dictionary

use off topic for all this useless messages pls

u literally asked for words

stop spam its been 5 days

no its 6

Since noone told good things about this map, im not sure this need to be released

probably bad map, please decline it
