facilitated the first parts

$rate balance=6 flow=2 creativity=8 playability=3 fun=1 design=1 bonus=0

Add more teleports, + the part(s) before rocketpart is way too long very frustrating to do it over again in such a long period of time.

Fixed design, big thanks for a Tropo

Sorry, wrong version

generic_unhookable remove in editor

Axx ti pidor



Fixed generic_unhookable removed in editor

$rate balance=6 flow=4 creativity=8 playability=4 fun=1 design=1 bonus=0

Very nice map, I like it.

$rate balance=7 flow=5 creativity=9 playability=4 fun=1 design=3

New design, it doesn't the last version

fixed bug

$rate balance=7 flow=6 creativity=8 playability=6 fun=3 design=2 bonus=0

Видел бы ты новый дизайн это ахуеть

Nice design 😄

Hand made:D

It isn’t my design sure;D



мне ривай кидал

I fixed this bugs one week ago just can’t upload version), but anyway thanks



just upload with new design

Pretty nice map, its just 10* Dummy - rly hard! but parts extrem creative and good flow 😃 pls rls

Changed solo part and nickname


maybe ddos

but didn't work

with another name

server needs to be reloaded to show up a new map in vote list

I think all servers needs to be reloaded cuz someone ddos ddnet whole day

not related to ddos

Better design+ animation

fixed design bug


$rate balance=7 flow=6 creativity=8 playability=4 fun=1 design=2

you should tell him why playability is so low and what he can do to improve it

(btw unhook is invisible for me, needs more contrast)

same goes for
i told him in russian

can u explain it here again so we can comprehend it as well?

i think u should catch him up there from the left

tried that too

idk it worked for me

even to hit the hammer is too annoying

2 ways for this part


broke explained it already, i have same opinion

k then only broke's explanations for low flow is missing

but you both should check the latest version again, looks like he made a lot updates

will go up on playability 4

so if he improves these 2 spots playability will be good?

add entities off at end of cp7 too

since u cant know where ur dummy has to go

my 4 things i mentioned and i will go up ye

lol turning off HD reveals weird stuff

$rate playability=5 flow=7

Ty for syltoox

$rate balance=8 flow=6 creativity=9 playability=6 fun=3 design=2

Parts are creative and challenging, Fun map if you have the level to back it up.

a cheat


you found it(

maybe you will found something else

omg hidden cheats



before making a decision on this, I'll need to have you two play the map again and reconsider your ratings since they refer to an early version of the map and could now be incorrect


$rate balance=7 flow=6 creativity=8 playability=5 fun=0 design=2

$rate playability=6

thanks for the ratings. since playability is not enough, the map won't be released tho 😓

mapper want the map to be released now



Give me the design

how i can improve the playability, maybe someone have ideas?

facilitated some parts

$rate playability=6

seems ok for me

$rate playability=6

$rate playability=6



In-game map designed by me

Added textures are redrawn by me

Ravie , stop being such jealous pussy


I'm jealous of your copied swag ❤

Anyway it’s doesn’t matter

ye but just saying 😉

It’s not just a “word”

You know there is Mario map exist

Designed by someone

Some other map has a fire watch background

what if they sue us

By the way indie games are very beautiful and I think we should you this to create such beauty map in tw

there are other ways to make beautiful maps than to literally copy some game

Everything was created before we came 😉

I could change something in this bg, but why?

I consider it’s perfect

don't need to change, I'm just saying I found you out!

that's a bad mindset

It’s my mindset

Just different

Don’t call it “bad”

it is bad tho since it's not true so you're limiting yourself for no reason



Who cares , should I delete background?

nah should be fine

Ye, because it looks good like many players said that

I totally disagree with you about "copied" design couse i dont get the money for this

copying something has nothing to do with money

copying is just copying

Wrote down


Whats know, what do you want to say?

I srsly dont understand you

What's your angle?

I get it, Ravie

i figured as much about you now


он всегда пытается унизить человека, а сам ничего стоящего не делает, он просто крыса

Как думаешь, он переведёт это Гугл переводчиком? 😂

On daun

what if they sue you

then reevie has to pay $$$

Soo it was long and hard map.
I find so much mistakes.
Skip, useless stuff,bad spawn telecp, bad timings on some parts.
Most problem on map , so big parts , and bad tele.
If u need help call me anytime.

gogo rls

need new challanges on dummy maps

Ur map is better than my
@Tyga.so need rls ur map


or just dont rls any of them

delete the game pls


says bot

gogo rls all maps 😄

no no , not yet

its not ready :/


jao needs more testers

just waiting now

but ready soon


triki tested this, did you talk to him


would you?

Mb in month

Don’t release maps from botter

Hi corneum

ty for triki



Almost 1y in testing lol

10 month


thx to Lady Saavik

fixed cp 2 part, not need hammer to pass it

less hard less faily

$ready 5

Kicker readying all n9 maps

kicker racest ¿

Just for the record I was against releasing this, if somebody wants to complain don't come to me

why this map will be released !

So some testers opinions are valued more ? or did other testers vote this up?
after 1y this is finally rlsed lel

he didn't want to explain why he was against it, so that opinion wasn't really helpful

I see

What? bad map xD

My reasons are that it's sloppily mapped and full of ridiculous moves

I saw n9 play it and i'd like such weird maps on ddnet

I didn't like this either when testing it but guess we have to settle with it

you have to show what exactly you dislike otherwise we can’t work with it

I suppose it's easy enough to guess what I mean by looking at the map

it's not, hence asking for clarification

Wait, the background should not be High Detail..
And why dont set some clouds or something as HD instead?

And some envelopes are unused btw...

Better focus on bad gameplay first

I dont like it either but its personal taste, these other things not really

First map that I really liked since a long time

Some parts are kinda bad mapped I agree, but still rly nice

also fix design bugs from tux please

background should be HD except for sky


Gonna have to postpone release until all those things are fixed properly, sorry

Ehh half of ur screenshots just prove that u aren’t playing well, thanks.( and yes it’s difficult not only for u, I realized)

Yes yes I'm too bad to see there aren't huge mapping flaws

Some screenshots just make the map much more interesting

anything happening with this?

I'll take that as a no
