this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


Slowest decline from VéNa ☠️

world record decline, faster than the bot

Don't understand the decline tho, looks like planet9 in-between parts

repetitive straight line , no creativity no design .

finished before judging.

need that map...

Pipou Silex and Pulsar praying for his downfall 🙏

finish not marked

why map decline ?

why playing solo map with dummy?

can finish with out bug hard to pull of , but possible ( saving this speed true all map )

hmm that's a great question my friend

do the whole map like this pls

peak gameplay

this might be the worst map ive ever seen submitted

this isnt bad

at least u can afk on it


Why decline?

Let's be honest it's the best map we got so far

Discord does not like your map either, I think.

even discord called the map literal shit x'D

(dont ask about windows activation)



gives me desert bus vibes

i didnt grasp the magnitude of pain until i saw this map on test servers

do you know why the map is decline it's not shit, it's juste a funny map

first map with 100k tile

First and last map it's why that a verry good map... but you can't understand an artist like me ^^

I made the joke because of discord image 😂