this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

wasn’t this declined not even a month ago?

-the stopeers were removed

-4 parts were reworked

-some visuals fixed

tp 16 respositioned

-corners fixed by Papota

how does a corner fix double the file size?

because is not the same file xD

It's a different map


wrong file

oh lol

-1 part reworker

last version i wish

part added


the background looks awful

u have to click 'aspect ration' at the mountains picture

the moon is way too big and just stuck, looks also not good

apart from that the background doesn't fit to the map design anyway, it's best to try something new

the start room of the map is very bad, try to build it so that you can start again directly when you have killed

make it visible where the dummy have to go

you dont need 'off switches' tiles, u can just use the command : switch_open (your number)

last part feels a bit harder


i still dont get it how u can cheat

Just go from start directly left side

but u can't because u don't have a dj

overall really nice gameplay tough

imo it would be good to force the dj with some freeze


U don't need dj for it, just timing

-freeze colors change -unhookable colors changed -skip at the first part are fixed -2 parts are reworked -2 parts added -tp 14 spawn its changed -start are reworked -2 parts are nerfed

im still working in the background

is planned unfreezed like the 80% the rest unfreeze tiles

4 trys?

ok maybe would be changed

yes but its really random in this case imo

maybe a stopper at 29 to would fix it

but other than that gameplay looks ready 👍

Already said that the last part feels a bit harder

pls can put it in "waiting" I don't have my pc these days


Imo its fine tbh

Since you can dj when you want

use command and timed switch on ground

imo u should mark the points where the dummy comes out after blue tele

the generic lamps doesnt fit at all in this map



try to use colors that fit together but with a better contrast

i sended all color codes

now u have to re-color the hookable and blue tele


imo you should put some space (or blue tele) between the blue tele and the unhook

with the good speed the part is just broken

and for me last part was less faily and more intersting than this new one

I don't understand what you mean by that

i can do it more intersting but i want to still do it faily if is possible

"less faily" is just simply not true this version is way more consistant than before and for very last part it was bad


sometimes cuz this game sucks the tele wont trigger and you will touch the unhook so it wil lreset the speed

that's what i tried to show in the clip

i said imo it's just a personal opinion

put another layer of blue tele and it will work

but whatever

i mean how is broken? i see it fine

the problem is that the dummys speed gets reset (cuz it hits the floor before teleporting)

but it never happened to me tough

aaaa that

-1 part reworked

-hook color reworked

-signs in the blue teles

is suposed to rehook at the end

i add that blue teles if u fail the rehook u can catch

but is more slow

is full A part and u have a lot of time to react

the last jump

Yo this map is crazy, ig someone rlly good made it

nice changes

first part still cheatable

u can do it like this

maybe u want to keep this way?

part cheatable now

you should add 2 blue tele where its needed

https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1109834552190451733/1117199549082120292 here like this, maybe a dummy tele where the dummy pops out there



xddd ok ok

btw there is no need to make 2 blue tele visible, the main problem was that u can hit the ground under the tele

soapy for example did it like this :

aaa u mean that

ok sure

its sometimes just not working, depends how to hook, rly need to edit this whole end


fixed skip

end reworked

no there is a sign for that xD


i dont have that tiles

u know where i can download?


i hope u are not using a whole new tileset just for one thing

yeah u did it, stop using so much freeze tilesets lol

u have 3x freeze tileset in it

add that what u need to one picture xd


I don't understand

just in case 1 tiles layer deleted

u can bring all u need together in one picture instead of using 3 freeze tilesets



After thinking for a while, I came to the conclusion that I still don't understand xd help


u can bring the tiles u need in one picture together, use ur favorite program for that.. like gimp. inkscape..


i let u combine freeze images


Really thanks

i lov u

wtf 200kb

jao's hairy kebab > jao

some freeze stuff







$edit --shrink-layers

$ready 3~

Congrats tortilla


after 5 $declines, finally

never happen to me, u use weak?


just dont work with a precise speed i guess ..

can u try different positions

i can

yeah never happen to me, depends on speed
@thortillat.d.m, try to fix it

i guees is working now

a freeze tile XD



the tp 2 is more drak



i guess is all fine



btw for some reason i cant join in the test servers in Ger

$ready 3

:3 gg

well done

wena tortilla!


congratulations !

Good work bro!


This is a nice map, good job
really fun map, havent tried to grind a map as much as this in a while
