this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


We dont accept completely unfinished maps here. The hookthrough in ur map might be in the design but its literally unhook in entities. Also the map has way too much gores. We arent KoG. There is also too much solo. The hammerhit and hammerfly parts are repetitive and the normal parts arent up to todays standards. Try to look at some recently released maps to get an image of a releasable map.


I appreciate you testing my map, I will take your advice and try to do better in the future, thanks


fake mdk



i changed all most parts can test my map pls

all [WARN] and [INFO] messages are fixed by just doing
, they come from maps saved by older versions of the editor



$edit --shrink-layers

i just was looking at map and it's Aoe's baby aim maps just very bad mapped , looks like he wanted to repeat hyped map , but he don't know how to map good parts , i like start before start you need to hook and go right then hold left and unhook . lol even start is same as aoe's map solo shotgun just with annoying parts . Also looks like oldschool design

the around map 2x or 4x , aoe's map 3x unhooks definetly inspired by Aoes maps

hi . I designed it myself to make it harder, but I can change it if you don't like it.

I tried to create a different design for my map, so I designed something different for every specific part.

Yes, this part is hard😄, I put a great deal of time into it and played it repeatedly to ensure it can be aimed and not buggy.

don't know what version is this map , try it if you want , see what's wrong to understand a bit whats wrong for your map . Could be funny if you say it's cool map xD . Or just look it xD

thanks man I will definitely check it

Tell me all what you think , want to hear your opinion and did you find this map bad ?

And did it help you too see a bit what's wrong in other maps

i go play your map

do you have time ? can i call you ?

no , i am going sleep xD


wait a minute

it's tees

Yes , i know thats why i tell copy of nostalgia just worser

this very cool part 😄 i like it 😄

Most of map is same just different parts , i think i thinked need to copy rooms amd just replace parts and work after with new ideas .

Can I comment on your map tomorrow?

I got better at doing parts , by playing them many times .

Yes offcourse for me it will be today

Its 0:40 for me

2.10 AM

have good night thanks for feedback see u tomorrow

See ya today
