"Dirty" by matsh0w [Novice]
DDNet 06/14/2024 8:31 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

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DDNet 06/14/2024 8:31 PM
DDNet 06/14/2024 8:31 PM

Map :lady_beetle: :

vena6080 06/14/2024 8:33 PM

look mapping rules, and play current map on the game, it's far from what we accept. the design is not complet

vena6080 06/14/2024 8:33 PM


DDNet 06/14/2024 8:33 PM

This command was not found.

matsh0w 06/15/2024 12:34 PM

why the design is not completed?

vena6080 06/15/2024 12:40 PM

Oh maybe it was complet, but i was in low detail, so it mean you put the wrong tiles of design in HD

matsh0w 06/15/2024 1:03 PM

k, if you typed "$decline", then i cant keep making this map anymore?

vena6080 06/15/2024 1:06 PM

reworking would not work, play more maps and compare them with your map, i didn't go in detail because they is too much to say

vena6080 06/15/2024 1:06 PM

and play the most resent maps, it's better than ddmax

tsin666 06/15/2024 2:01 PM

attention seeker, pathetic like always

rootjie 06/15/2024 2:11 PM

yes its childish especially from a tester to keep doing this, but he only does it because you keep replying. just ignore it funnily enough theres loads of ddmax maps that are way better than the "resent" maps

vena6080 06/15/2024 2:16 PM

yep but for real, playing ddmax or other old map, wont help new mapper

rootjie 06/15/2024 2:24 PM

i dont think advice given by testers help much either

tsin666 06/15/2024 2:34 PM

thats the most stupidest thing only a closed minded tester could rly write. Cmon even you don't believe in it. However if you rly believe in that then maybe stop being a tester !? Every mapper should play as many maps as possible, newer and older. Made by most talented mappers and by those less experienced. You may ask what for ? To find their own style, to see what was already done and how to improve.

anthonyyx 06/15/2024 2:52 PM

Yes that is true, but there's no reason to try to make the same map style as some maps from 10 years ago that aren't being played today when they clearly don't live up to the map standards nowadays

anthonyyx 06/15/2024 2:53 PM

So I think it's a fair argument to say you should try to look at newer maps than older maps

vena6080 06/15/2024 2:58 PM

Maybe i've said it in a bad way, i'm not meaning to stop playing older maps, but to play the most recent map to understand how look a rlsable map and compare to his map. But only a closed minded player who tunnel vision on ddmax would say that ddmax are good to play for new mapper. And i will say it again but i'm not against ddmax, some of my favorite r1 are on ddmax and i like to play them, but objectively i agree with anthony, those map are from 2014(and before) and are far from what we can do now, so i would not recommand ddmax to new player/mapper

vena6080 06/15/2024 3:01 PM

And also, creating other style, or finding his style is important, but 99% of the time, a ddmax style dont come with a good map, it need a certain experience

texnonik 06/15/2024 3:11 PM

don't waste testers time pliz

balami. 06/15/2024 3:11 PM

Besides the fact that almost 400 players are active on the ddmax servers right now, it's just very subjective, what "ddmax" (outdated gameplay) actually means.

vena6080 06/15/2024 3:16 PM

Reread what i said ... it's the global style and gameplay which is not adapted to 2024, but it doesn't mean you have to stop playing older map + 400 player is low, most of them just join a serv with someone in it, some other just search for random map. And probably 10 or 20 player choose a specific map

balami. 06/15/2024 3:19 PM

Ye it's highly subjective, what style is outdated. From my perspective a bad "style" (not actually gameplay, just how the shapes feel when looking at it) doesn't really matter. 400 players is alot.

anthonyyx 06/15/2024 3:56 PM

Not like the testers are doing a whole lot anyways