this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

i too stupid for this map br

seems to be something wrong with the map name, it should use space instead of "_"

Can’t have a space in discord channel name

This is the alternative we use

I mean, some of the other maps had spaces in their names, and discord turned them into _ , but ours forgot to use space when submitted

Oh u right


Is it possible to change the name?

It is yeah

U need a tester to come do that for you tho

okay i see, thanks

beautiful design

didnt test gameplay tho

gameplay have some problems xd

color need to fix, this bg color is kinda hurt my eyes when I look at it for a long time

daoyu-light xd

color problem will consider the next version fix

this version add some parts to balance the parts which only need one player to do

and fixed some annoying gameplay problems

wrong file

added speedup to prevent players from getting stuck in somewhere

and some other fixed for gameplay

also fixed design problems

and why there is still the older version in test server now?

i have reloaded the map

remade parts

corner fix


but the second tee couldnt be out of inside

ah yes sorry, but maybe u can find a better solution

fix one entities bug

corner fix

sry,have problem


startline and finishline are HD, change it to non HD

would you mind change the map name to "DaoYu Night"?

$change name "DaoYu Night"


new parts

im pretty sure it's that when you zoom out, it doesn't clip at the sides

btw really cool map

i think its ok

sorry,im wrong

u can make it smaller

can skip start line

background animation flickering for split second ( stars )

how to skip start line?

flicker is the animation i wanted and added

we found the skip way and we ll fix it


oh in slow motion looks fine but in real speed looks animation is ending

i was actually just trying to imitate the twinkling of a star

it is like blinking eyes


i have fixed the quad and skip but mapper is asleep

could tester help me for update the map?

nice map

u dont want to add tune zone at the water

we wanted to do that but it didn't work out

or it doesnt work well

gravity -0.1 - 0.5

try out what u like

-0.1 -0.2 etc

ok we ll try this

tune gravity -0.7


Can prevent people from coming back to the start with weapons to reset their time.

$edit --shrink-tiles-layers

$edit --shrink-layers

use last version pls

if three or more tee

found some design bugs, will fix them later

u forgot laser lifetime


i didnt find laser_lifetime in tune list

and we have already used laser_reach 0 to prevent laser chain under the water

oh ok, didnt notice it sry


$ready 4

time cp

before release

could skip time cp with telegun

why 4*?

is it hard enough?

brain ded enough

that makes sense

im ok with 3 or 4, sorah mean 4 so i did 4. its bcs u need a little bit brain for it

$ready 4

ok i get it

Nice I must say