this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


$ready 4

ah this was tested

only time cp's missed



very fast ready

freee points

Doesnt matter what map will make Coke, he will just give it that map

Oh shit not good


kinda fun

@Cøkeplease fix that, looks annoying

never happen to me

Maybe strong/weak issue

never happened to me aswell

played all parts often, it was all fine

It works on my machine I swear

i only failed it 4-5 times now 😹

it happened with both


just fall better

skill issue

consider being more bouncy

I have this happened 2 times . Also i have even worser situation . In other part

if you jump too high you miss unfreez

nice reason not to fix it

obviously people fail it because its not 100% working

just because it didnt happend to you, doesnt mean other people arent affected by this

omg a good J$ON take thats rare

the demos are doctored actually, all these people are part of a conspiracy who want the map to slightly change

i dont think so

and done on an alternative modified version of the map

I have also already made it, and the one from the other clip of you also

But still not the other one 😒

Never said we or I won't fix it

just lower the ceiling

Maybe I should play the part 20x and if the result is 10% fail then it will be fixed

it only happends if u go too high

i did it 15 times in a row, 1 time failed

maybe this will work


but it makes it harder

i can see that

i dont really see an issue when it becomes harder but more viable this map isnt moderate afterall

very precise jump right b4 freeze

if u jump too early u will die

should i remove 1 freeze from that line?

then u have 1 tile space to breath

hope u are fine with this little fix
wtf is this

u can upload this version when u have time for it

thanks, doing it now


why edit a map after people already finished on? wasnt this a thing you only edit maps before it gets first finish? kinda unfair

I don't really care, but the fix doesn't change the part