this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

With this map, I went with a linear path, mainly inspired by I Wanna Run The Marathon. Also tried to make it much harder than the first map. Good luck to anyone attempting to test.

i expected a different code for no reason

but still not disappointed

hell yeah

I'd say add some background to most parts, end cave one had like the cave wall and that added depth, but the rest is just a solid color

pov: popcorn trying to milk the 1st i wanna beat the map




I like how everyone decided to check this map out later which is now turning into never xD

Super limbo state

How does this map even work? Lol

I might make a video about how it works soon, ive been wanting to do one for a while

it uses unorthodox parallax values on the player and a static background that gets clipped each screen

changing the parallax value on the player gives an illusion that its getting directly controlled

different parallax and player quad size makes it look like youre moving at different speeds

and rhen the design is all just mocked up in entities using tunes

louis is

Explained my own map better than I could

I feel like there aren't enough cps

It's annoying to fall back a few parts before

That was intentional, it's an iwbtg recreation, it's meant to be an annoying map to play, same with the first map.

Fixing this would be the ending of my life, it would take hours

Added text at the start for zoom instructions. Made the black area wider.



It could be added

It wouldn't hurt to compare your time after each cp



ok cool



(I hate the map)

Good :)


This map sucks

Thanks, was aiming for that

i like this map


i like this map! What amazing are the envelopes and quads!


<-- just thought about the map

xD how to finish is not important, the things that really important is technologies Popcorn used, i can never reach

There's no envelopes or quads (besides quad background)

And endscreen

idk, sorry

Im still waiting for louis x Poppy acq 2

I'm a bad mapper

Its not happening... yet...

I'm a bit late

To-do list after release: -Rework title -Make ost

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!