this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules



could your bot do that somehow ? to fix mirror stoppers =P

just curious =P

yea I'm currently doing some stuff in that direction

oh nice :)

i adore the style so much wtf

took some time to finish it

well not me tbh

big credit to Ravie he made the background and main design concept

by the design of how this purple "spikes" look in whole end part then this two below should also end with purple "spikes"

dont need ht

more fun than part imo

(possible wihtout wall too)

cool move

the design is soooo beautiful

map needs to play "Home - Resonance" in the background /s

No Auto fix pls, I need mirrored stoppers in my map

which map is it?

It's not in testing

could you please not use it? that is something that could honestly be fixed

Already asked about this



And it was no problem

Deen said the bug will stay

U can make a new command for this, but no auto fix in optimize pls 😄

yes I wouldn't do that, I still think it shouldn't be used in maps :/

simply because it is really nieche and unintuitive and buggy

It's marked in entities and design

I still think it should be done in another way, I don't think it should stay that game tiles have 8 orientations

I take it that you do it in good faith by marking it well, but I don't like the complexity that we need to actually think about whether a stopper is mirrored or not, simply because they look the exact same as of now

they are literally the same tile and behave very differently

I would prefer adding it as another tile before actively using it as a feature

hm adding a new tiles actually doesn't sound that bad, I mean it could just be a stopper that fills half a tile, no?

and we could replace the tiles on every map with that new tile

and fix that bug

does that sound reasonable?

but there was no real use so far

do you think it would be okay to correct the incorrectly placed tiles on those maps?

i tried in my map with normal stoppers but its very inconsistent

yes but with new command

I mean on the maps that are already out

ye looks like its in map preview or im blind

not sure what you mean there ? that they dont have a color anymore ? thats preview bug too

pretty sure he mean the corners missing

ingame it looks like this

im confused

hd off on?

yes i saw

ok sorry then first and last screenshots are caused because of diffrent way web preview and game itself render the map =]

we know that part can be played in both ways thats fine

1 Fixed the graphical bugs. 2 Fixed stoppers hopefully 3 Adjusted part 16 to remove one of the faster easier methods of doing it. Keeping the intended way but I like the skip as a speed strat. It should be the fastest way now.
Don't know what to fix about the bottom of the map. Looks fine to me XD

"Don't know what to fix about the bottom of the map. Looks fine to me XD"
that 4th screenshot was a render bug, sorry about that 😦
checked again and now the things ive posted are all fine ^^


this a better explanation

kinda annoying

deep skip

Thanks for the tests.
Not me: Fixed the corners you pointed out.
Arrow: Added a few more pullers and a new tp to make that part less annoying.
nekorul: I do know about the deep skip, although I am pretty sure it's impossible to get a time if you skip the deep.
I did place a preventative measure later in the map. The first time this skip was pointed out to me I decided to keep it for the maps secret 🙂

issue of unknown origin xd

didnt happen the 2nd time

amazing map (unironically)


Made the adjustments we discussed

Still need to add time cps if im not mistaken


Id assume it’s for the secret of the map, soapy has a secret in every one of his maps and they are usually pretty hard to figure out

Probably the secret yeah and he also said there were some parts he wanted to keep in the map that didnt make the final cut.

Its for a teamrank finish in 3 years


Timer Checkpoints added, parts outside the map are used in the secret.

what about the top left circle?

Also part of the secret. Figured it would be pretty clear that going up there wasn't going to work xD



Nothing gets past you XD Thanks again Knuski


$ready 3

considering the logo is blinking i cant have both ur names on the preview

i have that

is that ok or do u want to give me a special version with a diff logo (or without names)

Haha I didn't even think of that. I'd say doing it with a faint name is fine but make it Sorah's name if you don't mind 🙂

i would say make it soapys name cuz he did all the work

or flip a coin

Is it time for Soapy Sorah?

I could use a Sorah Sandwich rn

a 1v1

person that wins gets the name in announcements

there is no unused tile in soapy sandwich maps

i found the secret ! :D

every time u have to get back dj through tele

and ok now that's just unfortunate

Yeah its an unfortunate fail, but it should only really happen if you mess up the part The only really faily part is taking cp 15 (which you shouldnt be doing anyway), because the magic edge is still savable from cp 16

same exact fail happend to me yesterday

Never happen to me

save & reload should fix that I think