this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

how last part

esc > disconnect

also how cp 3

can show u ingame if u want


thx lwai for testing

slow down the animations

logo shouldn't be HD

missing freeze

and why is finish so small

idk. doesnt matter at all

will you answer like that to everything I say?

not that bad, nothing big to complain about except the failiness maybe

pretty cool parts, but tele is way too scarce on the unfaily parts and some platforms are too small

like this

teles like this arent good, imagine you're on the last part and fall to kill border cause u were one pixel off tele

also idk abt this part, u can get killed on the killedge

id just make it normal freeze edge since its the same part with or without it

looks like u dont understand the part. platforms arent too small. u have enough space for everything. also tele are enough at every spot. u will never fail it. dont know u tested the tele parts very well but everyone who tested it before agreed with me

still applies then

if u fall into tele and ur still holding a key u will fall off the 1 tile platform easily

are u talkin about tele 1?


just make the thing freeze edge

idc if u dont want to change tele but u can fail there on killedge

idc much about the 1 tile platform either since u can dj if u have good reaction but it was just annoying for me

removing this kill is hurting me so much

still dont think ppl will fail while running down tbh xd

can u fllw me and show me how u did the first part?

in school rn so i cant rly play that well

wait ill see if i can even connect on vpn

xd ok

update: kill is fine since the intended way is different

do u think this map is rdy for rls? knuski and lwai also liked it

havent done a full test so idk yet but ill check later


crazy design xd

if Starkiller continues that we gonna need an insane category for solo

hi, small update

we had some internal testing talks after exanimus was released and decided we wanted to balance the number of "insane" solo/dummy maps that are being released

and since this map is one of those insane solo/dummies, i'm not sure exactly what to do with it

we haven't really decided on a rule yet but imo readying and releasing this rn would lead to too many recent 5* faily+hard solo maps (memoria, exanimus, then this)

and its better to have only a few 5* releases and in between many more "normal" difficulty maps to benefit the overall playerbase

so like i'm said i'm not sure how to proceed with this map. if it was made a lot less faily then it would probably be released soon, but otherwise you might have to wait a long long time until it gets released (to make room for other difficulty solos)

i dont have any problem to wait a few months or how long it will take to rls the map. im just happy if it get rls. so let u time with the rls date

okay. just a warning that's not the "official" tester decision and other testers might want u to change the difficulty, but that's just a solution i'd vouch for - to keep the map on "hold" until the other super-faily maps like exanimus get some more finishes

okay. ty. so ill just wait for more feedback then

Testing team has decided this map is too faily to release, and we don't think it's fixable in a clean way. Just some advice regarding most of your maps: I think your parts are more than hard enough as is, so there's no need to make them overly precise or 1 try, doing so is just forced difficulty which is bad mapping. If you would just focus on making something that is actually enjoyable to play rather than an excruciating challenge for the best of the best, it could lead to some really cool maps for high skill players.


are u kidding me? the map is full with tele

everyone who tested the map liked it

this is actually a rlly nice challenge for high skill players

u are just a fucking bastard that declines my maps cuz u dont like me

im done with testing section

everyone who tested this agreed with me its a good map

calm down please


its just fucking unfair

my maps get declined with no reason

get a fucking another testing leader

everyone liked the map while testing

and only cuz ravie doesnt likes me the map gets declined

go murphi test the map by yourself. ull see theres no reason for decline

the map has fair placed tele, is balanced and still a challenge with good parts

and everyone who tested the map agreed with me

imagine disrespecting ravie like dat

sadly theyre not testers

I don't think im good enough to really clear your solo maps. I did enjoy your dummy map though

Starkiller, your solo maps are way to difficult to finish. As an example, only 3 people actually legitimately managed to finish your Memoria map which was released almost a year ago. I have to agree with the Testers here unfortunately :/

small note from my side: If you make your parts to overly complex, the player wont be able to even understund how any of your parts work. The parts are super fun once you figure them out, but the process of figuring them out is way to punishing. This seems to be a general issue in your solo map. Without any guidance, people will most likely drop this map and are never going to attempt to finish it. If you do attempt to fix this map or create a new map based on this, try to empathize with the player.

the first good feedback in this channel

holy shit i didnt know its possible for anyone to give good feedback

Starkiller maps look fun as fuck theyre just dummy hard

yeah the parts are always good but the whole challenge thing really looses its thrill after a few maps. especially on solo which is pretty dead

the reason is too stupid to decline it, it is true that the map is full of tele, unfortunately it has been known for a long time that ddnet staff (mafia) do what they want and what they like, in this case the only reason to decline the map is that the mafia dont like starkiller and his maps, this map is easier and not that faily like memento mori, exanimus and memoria, its so unfair to decline this because is """""faily"""""

if any player wants to finish the map he can test it, its not so difficult to use your brain and understand how a map of this difficulty works. its good that people have to think and find how each part works because its a insane/solo map


this is so true xd

No way kenzo can write such a decent english. Kenzo pepega in english