this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

nice map i like it

rest was very creative , fun to play

yeah thats the most "corneum" part of the map. i used to have a platform at the top which you could land on. but it was also a bit random. i could add it again and maybe extend it to make it more safe but i wanna wait for other opinions

i like this part alot, one of the easier parts in this map for me

its not faily or random, just dont use jump 😄

blue = add speedups in the stopper

fixed some cheats thx to qed and coke

gonna listen to this while playing the map

yes youre gonna need 10 hours to finish

thanks for testing. i tried to fix everything and i think some parts even got better. i also put a higher quality BG

putting the stopper down will not prevent the cheat. it worked really well with the killtile for me. just wait a bit before u hook

yep what i am saying is, keep the kill tile, put the stopper there

did your dummy not go in the stopper sometimes? o.O

yes like 8 out of 10 times, but as i said could also be cause i fucking suck

well it never happened to me but i guess it cant hurt


why ht ?

rly nice map

some parts are neat af

i can honestly make none of the cheats work. can you make some demos please? 😄

i always hammer dummy against wall and jump+hook him while he is on the ground. your way is also cool tho

so now i found various skips for the last part

just delete the hookable on the left, it opens up for a lot of skips

and that one part still cheatable like this (its not that hard)

tried to fix everything. some of it may still be possible but i think its now too hard for real runs. on the lastpart i just went the lazy way and put in a laser. also changed my mind about Lwais suggestion.

they are to signal where the hook is pulling you

there is no bug there

trying to fix this with normal methods will make it just stupid faily. so i choose ugly laser


https://discordapp.com/channels/252358080522747904/841264832707952681/842857489971937321 we think its not needed there

there are similar bugs if u turn hd off btw

not sure if those got fixed

$ready 3


worth to fix or leave it like this?

con: its hard to fix. its far into the map. the real part is kinda gay anyways pro: its consistent if you practice
if i cant think of a clean and easy fix before release i think its okay like that

delete real part and leave cheat

if real part is gay and cheat is consistent

youre right. i fixed it now.

can someone check the fix before wednesday?

.... you dont trust me? wow i wonder why

i mean i personally would

but we dont bypass testers xd

looks good

still skippable and kinda consistent

but i think u can keep it like this

its pretty hard to release the hook at the exact time. im fine with it

$ready 3


this version
