
u cant ready ur own map


$ready 5

$ready 5

little design fixes..

1 month ready now
hesitating to release this since people gave bad feedback

i only got good feedback from racers

ignoring feedback you dont want to hear is not the way to go

people who can't make the parts or they don't understand, often say it's a bad map

its made for tryhard racers hahaha

Might test it next few days again

Most parts aren't my cup of tea but there are a few good ones

I'm not a race player, but this map is mapped well enough and creative enough. Everything else is subjective, so just release it, it's been over a month

well there is no point in releasing a map that no one will play besides the mapper

well there is no point in releasing a map that no one will play besides the mapper which seems to be the case so far since players of the targeted group like bacondrink say that only a few parts are to their liking, the ordinary way in such cases would be to take the good parts and make a new map if im not mistaken

Then why are there other difficult maps that are only played by a handful of people?

It's a hard map, but not unplayable like other hard maps

No one is forced to play maps that they don't like, but that doesn't mean that a map should be changed because someone doesn't like parts of it

$reset until i have time to check

No one is forced to play maps that they don't like, but that doesn't mean that a map should be changed because someone doesn't like parts of it
Taking this argument serious there wouldnt be a need for testers and anything could be released

Where can I submit maps that should be deleted because they are too hard?

Where is the need for testers when in the end one person decides everything?

Welcome to ddnet, have a good time


(even tho on that one map ur opinion as tester obviously doesnt count)

If I hadn't submitted it, but sent it directly as ready, it might already be online, but I don't know what the admin thinks, no answers to anything for months

i mean its only been there for literally a month tho xd

there are like 30 other maps waiting too

But rdy for a month, not submitted

Almost no attention is paid to any map, only to those that we testers consider ready. They are then considered

hesitating to release this since people gave bad feedback
how is it only him deciding if his decision is based on the community‘s opinion? the way he acts is more than reasonable and understandable

because in the end someone has to decide right?

there will always be ppl against and for releasing maps

according to what jao said there is more bad feedback, no?

and I can confirm that from my pov

i dont think its unreasonable from him to want to check the map if he heard quite some bad feedback about it

He is probably the grandmaster who knows the opinion of others without knowing it

I agree with that, someone has to decide, but he should consider all opinions that are planted on this channel

i think there should be a vote between all testers to ready a map or not

and to release a map you need 3/5 of all testers say yes or whatever

and head tester can either count as 2 votes or be a tiebreaker maybe'

that would make a lot more sense

than just one tester deciding yes or no

thats kinda what mrs was

btw offtopic

map is well done

just fking hard

but we already have some insane map for crazy people

if only matrose plays it its worth it

Who says that only one person will play the map?

There are run maps that are heavier, this is not the hardest one ever 😂

hey i know that im not a tester, but as a racer i can say that this map is worth a release. imo "releasing a map that no one will play besides the mapper" is not an argument for not releasing a map.

There are run maps that are heavier, this is not the hardest one ever 😂
so why are you always referring to the map‘s difficulty for everything that is being said while the other maps you are referring to got released even though no one here ever mentioned that your map would be „too hard“? Just wondering...
hey i know that im not a tester, but as a racer i can say that this map is worth a release. imo "releasing a map that no one will play besides the mapper" is not an argument for not releasing a map.
with that attitude you could release every map existing on ddnet

bruv tezcan hosts race servers


i think some racers would play this

its not like the hardest map ever

and also its not faily shit like memento mori which imo is even more of a stretch to rls than this

with that attitude you could release every map existing on ddnet no not really, releasing Maps shouldn't be determined by how many players will play it, if that would be the case the "Insane" category should not exist, or other Maps like Airnade Ultra shouldnt have been released. Its not an argument imo. Maps should be determined by creativity, playability, design & fun

fun, exactly

if a map isn’t fun it won’t be played

everybody feels fun differently, is hard to judge a map on fun

@jaoif a map isn’t fun it won’t be played
I agree, but me & matrose had fun while trying it out

and nexus

having fun while trying a map on test server is completely different from having fun on an official server

Since Tezcan and other racers seem to like the map that much I dont see why they dont let racers have fun with the map on unique servers


idk why u so mad about having a map rls

just dont play it

if its a nice rlsable map

then it should be rls

even tho some players may not enjoy

others could have fun with it

having fun while trying a map on test server is completely different from having fun on an official server thats obvious, i was also able to do most parts, just struggling with the last. :p
Since Tezcan and other racers seem to like the map that much I dont see why they dont let racers have fun with the map on unique servers i knew that this would come, Coke decided to give it a try releasing it here, since he is a DDnet player & tester and thats not an argument to invalidate releasing the map for ddnet.

and also you made a really good point Freezestyler! "Since Tezcan and other racers seem to like the map" racers like the map, people who love race are not against it, do you as a non-racer have an actual argument against the map?

Well this map obviously aims for race players whose server is hosted by you, there is simply no reason to have the map here on ddnet (which mainly consists of ddracers btw)
I said racers „seem“ to like it because that was often stated here, don’t get me wrong

why is there even the category named 'run' ?

Well this map obviously aims for race players whose server is hosted by you, there is simply no reason to have the map here on ddnet (which mainly consists of ddracers btw)
I said racers „seem“ to like it because that was often stated here, don’t get me wrong There is a race category on ddnet, so how can you say that? why is there simply no reason to have the map on ddnet? If thats the case why does the race category exist?

But as i can see from your rankspage you are really points-focused, is that the reason why you dont want the map on ddnet? bcs its to hard for you?

its made for tryhard racers hahaha
race category definitely is not supposed to be for tryhard racers

But as i can see from your rankspage you are really points-focused, is that the reason why you dont want the map on ddnet? bcs its to hard for you?
oh if thats the route you want to go you could also check my race ranks :)

why did run_world_war_zero or antibuguse got released then? they seem to hard for you atleast?

please dont make stuff up, just to justify not releasing an actual good creative hard race map

make an actual argument against this map

My skill shouldnt be questioned here, not to mention that I didn’t play those 2 maps yet

Noone questioned your skill

You were the one making up stuff LOL

i just said your point-focused, which is the case

You were the one making up stuff LOL what did i make up?

got you wrong then

@Freezestylerrace category definitely is not supposed to be for tryhard racers
this is made up for me, where does this stand?

Obvious since maps for „tryhard racers“ arent fun for ddracers

you dont see your fallacy right?

first of all im not a tryhard racer, im gonna finish it, as a challenge (this means not fast) like the other really hard maps, or even harder maps like world_war_zero.

this is a challenging map like all other 5star race maps. And the map isnt even that hard(just the last imo) all race maps are not fun for ddracers if you go by that what you say.

tryhard means people who play the map forever just for a good time

Just try to be objective towards the map, i want to hear an actual argument against the map

I stated some but apparently there are simply splitted views here However, it isn’t up to me to decide

good map.


great map

good map, pls release

best map rls

Release everything that Cor can finish >.>

I'd like that as a standard

seems like it got enough support and a decent map so im fine with releasing it

$ready 5