this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

and back way too.

there is nothing hard about it tough

i think its perfectly fine

arent you supposed to give constructive criticism with ideas on how to fix instead of stating your opinion?

i aready did it. check arhive logs

partwise map is totally fine imo. ig it was ready before it magically went into archive?

i feel like im skip, maybe cus idk legit way

this is fine?



thats so far from the original way

its unbeliveable

that what i mean "i dont like this"

team finish easily doable

put a stopper into the switch imo

ok now i know original way. maybe I wasn't smart enough, but it shows that the map is not very cleanly mapped. ofc u can release like that, but for people who don't have a guide, they're just going to be stepping on the same problem like me.

map was ready before but suddenly channel dissapeared,
@savaliceverything should be fine


First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated.


The map is now ready to be released!

Rating: 4, according to the testlogs https://ddnet.org/testlogs/show/Majin_Buu

damn, they released it.

team finish is still possible

idk why you wouldnt fix it with a single stopper

nobody knows


your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

team finish still looks possible

xd yes

but they just dont give a fuck

Can you fix it?

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).
