this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

should be brutal too


$change server brutal

imo spec should be available

since its not team forced and there is not too much room (which you must work on it)

noobfilter is kinda long and annoying since getting start hook is unnecessarily tedious, also u need to place solo around spawn tile, not in it. u can also cheat the noobfilter by just jumping from the edge into unsolo so u dont have to do the lame set up part on the right that isnt working properly and doesnt contain any unfreezes

same thing for second part

in addition to being an extremely short map it is also really tight with no space, only contains parts with edges and unnecessary switches and randomly faily solos. decide on a mapping tight and make create more useful space in ur map. also test your maps more since there were many big design bugs and skips

i didnt find any fun in playing this since the it was cramped all the time and the map theme switched all the time for no reason. i dont see this as releasable since u can just create a new map instead of trying to fix this

also i agree with arrow's test


Its 2 player map tho

Also fixed alot but im not at home so i could post

there isnt a 2 player force tho and no max team limit