this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

a very nice map, verified by s1mple (twice)

better pick other hookable color

tele could be darker too

was fun to play

changed BG cp 5 moved platform 1 block top moved turn off entities sign in wall (Cp5) made tele darker added at telecp 6 tele cp 11 changed part


cp11 tele higher added tele cp11 cp 13 tune fix 12 -14 one part , 13 removed cp 15 tele corner fix hook color change cp 5 platform moved right 2 blocks cp 6 extra tele added deleted bg cp 7 deleted cp 13 deleted part add design for cps new generation 2 cp 14 deleted rechanged cp numbers cp 1 changed freeze changed bg totelecp 9 added unfreeze cp 10 part changed cp markings added

changed cp placement behind tee changed cp color change hook color moved bg a bit added outline for bg Cp 8 and 14 removed deleted unused tune zone fix tele corner cp 10 changed tele left side to freeze

deleted unused TP marks. added corners for BG tele corner fixes unfreeze mark ... cp mark less alpha missing freeze

3 freeze corner bug unhook added cp 10 tele added cp 10 changed cp 9 a bit

cp 9 changed a bit


fixed above cp 6 don't know is it fixed . no idea is it still possible

cp 11 skip fix cp 6 skip hopefully

Maybe add some indications for entity players so they know what the tune zones are

Like adding left/right speeders in the speed tunes And adding upwards speeders in the jump tunes

There should also be an indicator for the dragger at cp5

You can also get dj through speededging on the cp6 platform, it's a difficult trick though, I was only able to do it once

fixed popcorn181 mentions !

changed above cp5 added line of unfreeze thanks
fixed above . cp 6 changed part a bit

start and cp 6 jump cheats fix

finish added 2 tele blocks


$ready 2~

Congratulations 😄

i care right now only about my new map . But anyways thanks

Not gonna lie, this map is a banger solo map :D Super fun and has some nice flow


shuld be fixed sorry

https://ddnet.org/mappers/texnoniik/ this entry still exists

corner fix / don't know will you change it or not / sorry

is this how it should be?

it rained so the freeze grew leaves

Corner perfectionists . . .

those pillars are kinda fire ngl

That's what I thought xd

Might copy them
