this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Looks cool

make the logo by louis a lot smaller or remove plz

i only rendered 1 font


removed im sry 😦 looks bad in small

background elements HD on

fix soon


tito el bambino


Fix it soon

both rocket and just go this way


some of you goona fix it?


Okay nice

sry for spam

Nothing worth to fix except unmarked cp

u should fix this too imo, its stupid to hook into nothing xd shouldnt be possible lol

I think ppl will realise if you can Hook or not

yea still in design u shouldnt be possible to hook into smth that actually isnt something

just cover it up with something or move it away lmao

But if you want i can fix it


Pipou is fine that u are using his cosyris tileset? I dont think he made it for public usage

Yes he is

Also can you show Screenshot xd

there can never be too many chains wtf


cool map

Thanks ^^


this part looks like it wants me to hold the hook ? but there are like 10 other easier ways to do it without hook

feel like this should be wider

you barely get enough speed

also i don't understand the reason for deep in the part before ?

qed found that you can keep rocket here

what are the shields for ? there is no weapon in this part

or im that blind

and part seems way harder with weak hook

Thanks for the Test we will try to fix this

think i fixed all except the first screen with the hook its okay if there are more ways

checkpoint is not marked

most of the time i don't even understand when you use CP or normal Tele

like in parts where you use normal Tele you didn't mark it ofc why would you but it is still a new part so somehow you kinda have a checkpoint if that sense just not marked

looked random to me but i don't think you need to change it

Moon, Stars and Mountains should also be HD


thx for test again

@ReZee.try to fix pls



fixed thx for test

Thanks for Test Will fix it soon

someone put this on Waiting pls idk if im motivated to fix this soon





fixed hope its all good now thx to freezy for motivation xd

Will fix it thx

Oh wait or is it just the Mountain

No not just the mountain

Okay will fix it xd

fixed thx

still possible

move unfreeze up right under freeze for blockers

Will fix soon

I know But i think its better ,,easier“

ye i know you can cheat but its okay

The last part is not working properly or we are doing something wrong, send a demo of the last part only.

I will check if i have demo mb tomorrow
Could you show me How you try to do it

Normal way, swing and hammer the deep tee

Okay hmm ill do a demo:D

and fixed the part a bit its now easier


still cheatable

the last part used different cp signs than the rest of the map


Ye i know its okay

If you say its slower so i keep it

1by1 or same doesnt matter

then remove ht


What skip?

no prevent it

throw from right to left

If im motivated i fix all of these but idk Reeze And darkoort are also Mapper so we will see i guess

am in vacations rn

Wait how can they cheat it?

Nvm got it

i hope its all fixed now

ik that i said this part was annoying but now its a bit easy and u dont need sg to get the mate out there


Thanks for test i think i will fix it soon but some questions

Does it make sense both up cuz 1 is deep?

If i add tele i would probaly hook The other tee in tele everytime i think but ill look

Should i make spawn bigger then or is it okay?

Yes u can go up with deep

U can jump higher then tele with dj

Idk maybe use it as solo part or something like this, but not in the beginning

Okay thanks

Why wrong?

It's full closed

Not open to the sides


What design can i use for it xd?

Why there is stopper in front Layer?

But tele missing/wrong marked with tele behind

Better look at it when ur at home

Im home trying to fix it 😄

Im blind or something xd

Oh lol ok

There is freeze behind the stopper isnt it right?

should be fixed all

forgot the grass

I mean it's wrong background, looks like Tele

Ahh well but its shade idk mb it looks like tele cuz there is freeze in it and near by tele 😅

$edit --shrink-layers


wauf :O


hi abcqwerty:D

map is creative and cool at all, gj guys

Thanks for test fix it soon ^^

fixed the hammer / fixed the undeep /fixed the freeze instead off speedup i just removed 1 block of freeze

Will fix this

Where is the Problem?

Its design

Ahh nvm i see will fix it


Well, im not a fan of this map - unfortunaly.
Lets talk about the gameplay... It isn't well mapped + well thought out. It just felt like you rushed mapping. There are so many improves that could be done to make this map 100 times better. Also, there are planty of cheats through the whole map.
The design is super overloaded... U barely cant play it without entities. There is so much stuff going on - also many markers are the same, that u dont even know what is going to happen next. The red (Pipou)-Stones aren't placed good, rn it looks buggy to me (cause u spinned the stones).
We decided to decline this map, cause of the reasons above mentioned.


Reasons above i fixed all of it wtf

Well its okay i dont care about this one anymore

Mb some of the Other guys



its been in test for a while

meanwhile the meta changed and its not really playable now

you testers are weird tho


- u r the only one who deosnt like the map obviously

Sorry my friend, but all tester agreed on this decision. 🙂

yeah right