this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

added time checks and fixed design bug

I know you took the time to make this map. But this map is not going to pass. For the following reasons

1.Under normal circumstances the difficulty progression is correct, depending on how you define the difficulty of your own map, the difficulty of the whole map fluctuates too much, the beginning is easy, but only the beginning (for example, if the map as a whole is Novice 5 difficulty, it's not possible to make a Moderate 5 part on the map)

2.All the tele and other effect tiles on the map are unprocessed (if you don't know how to process effect tiles I can show you a way to do it).

can the map be accepted if I correct the difficulty balance?

and if i fix unprocessed tiles

I don't know. I'm not sure about the future

At this point in time, the map will most likely not be accepted even if you fix all the problems I mentioned But your map is still hard for the sake of hard

this map doesn't add anything new to game, it's just plain jetpack with tight teleporters

therefore it will most likely will not be accepted due to lack of originality

I know this is your first attempt, but I don't want it to be your last

This is my first submitted work. I didn't spend much time on it.

Thank you for the time you spent on the test. I will take into account all the problems and create a better and more original map.

keep going My first map was the same as yours

my first map was awful tbh



you can take cp 10 and don't get finish . the map ( jetgod) made with simple lines . sure it's good to train your skill with jetpack . But you could make it a lot better , by just adding hook and make gameplay force with hook as an idea .

i managed to create 2 parts with it ( but i have not played it , it's was just ideas in mind . i would play , test them and would try come up with something better maybe . ( improved ) but it's just my ideas . while was mapping 2nd i got idea for 3rt part . They can don't work because i have not tested them . Don't make too linear and basic parts . Make more rooms . Make gameplay challanging by making challanges not small size to fly just to make it harder . Suggest to play other new released maps . Try experementing ! Make , test , remake , test , remake , test until you are satisfied with one part , then start making 2nd part with same steps .



map have many problems already mention, but it's not bad for a first map, ddrace need more jetpack map, but first you have to learn more about mapping, designing and gameplay.
