this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Heayo, after quite some time ive made it to finish some map x) Criticism and improvments are wellcome.

Hope you enjoy. Ah yeah an easy Moderate probably 1-2*

very pretty

thanks guys ^^

cool map but design is very messy

and why is there stuff from crimson woods

Ononono ravie mad

tell me whats yours and ill delete it, froid did most of the design

bridge, sign_5 and tent

Deleted those

Did some fixes + put most stuff into HD

Nice map ^^

Fixed Background, Fixed some Freezcornors, Fixed that one Part, Fixed the Teleport

Did a Test with Coke, thanks for the Logo. Fixed overall a few things

Thanks to Coke. Did some fixes

i like this map, nice to play but can you maybe change the design? it is a bit exhausting to play with

hmmm i can make the design simpler i guess, any suggestions?

@Cøkehttps://discordapp.com/channels/252358080522747904/769949971780206632/770016066210234368 part still soloable
oh ofc, im dumb i totatly didnt see you can hook down there.

Fixed that skip, and reduced the design + deleted the chains

I liked the map, the parts are very original, it was late so I didn't notice all the problems, just a few design issues that I will share tomorrow that I could see Just there is the image of the chain is unused

Also, the file is too large, the problem comes from an image that is too large for nothing

There are sometimes hook blocks behind unhook blocks that can be seen, it's not really important, but just to keep the map clean if you want

Thank you alot DarkOort! Wíll work on that. Gonna delete chains. "from an image that is too large for nothing" could you explain that in more detail for me, like which one? ^^

For example I see that you have a picture that is 1824 by 780 (the fog), is that it will not be possible to reduce the size by half (see more). As it is a background image to create a "blur" effect on the background scenery, I don't think it will be a visible repercussion For example, just by reducing the image by half I went from 459 Kb to 126 Kb (1457 Kb to 1134 Kb for the map)

You can try to do the same with jungle_midground_quad_2 I think

Here we go, thank you DarkOort for helping out 🙂

$ready 3

some of the layers are 500 tiles too big in Height


maybe fix it before rls


gameplay is way better than the design but it's okay

cool map overall, stormy

Hookfly is ez with dummy

Alright, everything having the same size now. Added a few Hooks on that tunnel. And well if you play with dummy, you know what they say, get gud 😉

i think not every map has to be dummy friendly, for dummy friendly maps there is the dummy server 😄

and the part is now also not the hardest dummy part... is already feasible

Changed the Design a bit and changed a part slightly

do I have to find the part or do you say what was changed

Yeah sorry my bad


Okay should be ready now

after coke s sharp eye some fixes

yo there you go

Cool map! Didn't understand what CP18 is for tho. Nub way? Also Cp 27 can be skipped, but isn't really a big thing.

I mean it's not something which makes it easier or shorter.

Yo thank you for you feedback, now that i think about it cp 18 really a bit unnecessary if the "skip" is too easy. So i made the skip harder. About Cp27 i dont really understand what you mean with skip tho, if you want to you can help me understand x)

You can go up with both from CP27 and skip the bit of drag at the bottom. But it doesn't really help to do so.

ah yeah, im aware of that. like you are right, it doesnt really matter x)

alright then, i really think that should be it. x)

$ready 3

good that i dont test maps 😄

they look so fun to play

just catch a random on release date and play it

Did some last change, since a few people thought the last solo was a little plain i made it more interesting

Can you make teleport a bit transparent ? It looks like a solid texture without transparency

Alright, thanks to ravie the design looks diffrent now. everyone should be fine with that. should be done now


$ready 3

very cool map

hm i think it doesnt rly matter?

no teles in next part

and then cp11

I think it does

but in previous part..

hm i think its ok like that

it's not ok

imagine 5 tees playing, guy with CP 8 goes to the next part but wants to go back for someone and fails

and he spawn at CTO8, wow

I don't unerstand why you don't want to add CP there, what would be logical

and prevents strange 'fails'

right now it's kinda rnaodm if you have CP 8 9 or 10

he did not say anything about it, I only said that I did not think it was necessary


what? ._.

maybe just wait for answer xd

why are ytou talking about him

I am waiting for his reaction


so funny

is that your second account, Welf?

you just misunderstood coke, i got what he said. Also what about applying as tester if you wanna have smth changed?

my sugegstions don't count without fancy color?

maybe some day it will be more encouraging and fun

🧂 charged up

wow, alright sure i can add that cp, i mean it doesnt really matter tooooo much, but yeah there might be some wierd fails, and its moderate and not brutal so people tand to be dumb there

Here we go once again

$ready 3

it was ready

everytime when mapper repost his map, it automatically resets


arent as usless this time arent ya