reminds Nostalgia and Limitless


better bricks. performance improvements. 2 parts remapped in a more creative way. hf part replaces with gores. bushes color changed

I think its possible to finish map in 4 minutes. May be good for speedrun

I finished it in 8 minutes with dummy, did almost every part in 2-3 tries

more unfreeze

держи в курсе

Могу тебе в личку писать

best map ever


many entities bugs :(

and then they say this again 😂
||texnonik gestern um 11:35 Uhr 13 days to release .... Previous year maps no release i think it's because he is famous mapper that's why his maps are forced to be tested faster then other maps . He have also maps that will not released :/ even he can fix them ...||


buller silex

send 1 screenshot please

look I found all in like 5 min


why no unfreeze


in my new version there is unfreeze

fixed all the bugs I found

spent more than 5 minutes actually

wanna do test run?

unnecessary speeder

u placed one or removed one


removed lol

stop trolling
better start

fixed some of very annoying moments

rage 0/10

gameplay improvements

tested with moderate players

time cps

Fun map, nice job! Good effort on the design, but it's too distracting and confusing (especially the brick cave).

cool map i also like the design even though it distracts the first time you play the map. but its fine for me, good work suka 😃


Wow this map is so cool

Hmmmm really nice map


such a good map can't wait this to be released

did you see this?



stop annoying me on a daily basis if you want this released

u rude 😦

but you
@skuaannoying as me

we're twins

if you didn't read in my map . I repeat its better to post already done map . With out any fixes , sure there can be but not spam like we did ....
Imagine someone tests map , you upload other version ... But he played previous version .... need test all from start again !

A fix should be a problem fix , not a rework lol

it's changed 1% of the map if we see the diff between first and last version

but please stop talkinga bout ur map in other testing channel

i mean to spam updates / fixes

but i realized that testers need to test all from beginning .

so no 1% but 100%

Can't actually understand your logic. If someone change 1%, why should testers review 100%?

because they don't know what you changed ? they are not you .

Then you tell them what you changed lol

the actual process of testing is not like reviewing the whole map again and again, I guess.
The process more looks like this(from my point of view) 1) you post a map 2) testers show what's wrong in your map 3) you make 1000000 fixes 4) you wait 1000000 years after that 5) you get your map reviewed by testers and maybe approved and released (otherwise you gonna wait 1000000 years more again)

it's hard to keeeeep caaalm and waait and not spaaam jao

dude just wait

nobody wants to test ur map when u keep spaming

the actual process is reviewing the map again and again

how else would I make sure you didn’t mess anything up

making a final review

and decline/approve

how can I make a final review if you keep changing stuff

I can make changes infinitely if maps is not getting approved/declined. I made 2 minor changes during last 2 weeks by the way

I just waiting for some verdict

you never say what you change lol

and if a map is done there shouldn’t be need for changes

told you :/

nothing is ideal, thats why I can keep changing it without any reason xd

But I think the last version is ready to be tested

make it good and post one time 😄

shut up its good

But I think the last version is ready to be tested

but i think not

you're allowed to think that way

hopefully, you're not a tester

yes i am




calm down

Why are you so annoying?





I will test ur map

I swear u

I can complain about minimum 5 things

Or mention 5bugs or smth

Maybe you should go ahead and fix the probably copy & pasted jungle_midground instead of complaining and annoying

what's the problem? do you mean bushes?


not everything hd

well not that far left

you get the idea

looks okay I think



you go from right to left

i k


don't listen to syltoox

ez block spot

its t0 map

nice kobra bg 😂

veryy many blockspots

wont mention all

I added on purpose lol

not every player wanna be overwhelmed by details

and it can be laggy for some

remove blockspots like these i mentioned u.

yes, I meant the bushes



yes lol

all blockspots wher u cant save anyone

freezy ehrenmann

you should only remove the random „blockspots“ like 1 faily unhook block in a part where everything else is surrounded by teleporters

well its better to prevent all blockspots like this

its maybe the style but its not good

it is moderate

not insane

so rather fix that

a guy might spec the solo part

but not everyone will spec whats after (if he is a real moderate player)

thats nonsense, you have to watch no matter what the difficulty is

u just mapped it bad lol . nobody would expect an faily whole and an platform next to it

they would expect a platform


i agree

if not they will expect an hammerhit or smth where all is freeeze

(which wouldnt be in moderate lol)

if a guy holds a?

it already looks like u have to go left xd


k just forgot that thing

that’s the point of hd

thought its unfreeze at unsolo xD




didnt test ur crap map

only watching it

omg noob xd

whats bout that?

get him back

for waht


why not just put whole ground tele xd

or freeze

kinda lame to map it like that in moderate xd

ok that makes sense but you're noob anyways


have to live with it sadly..

its meant as troll but a guy wont go up there after the part because he is down and sees another way

done 4 now

I just want to keep this useless crap

idk why

are you still testing this?
i said done 4now

so no


1000000 improvements


no, because it has bugs

you would never mention this without being too meticulous

midground is stupid, it looks ok to me

Either use a brain to see what tiles match correctly or use quads

ah ok I will try to use brain

It wasn't my idea to make tile-based bushes, but I like that it looks more random than normal quad-bushes

~10 buggy bushes

maybe post one time and stop ?

Yes please stop


can't understand do you mean it's ok or not?

it's fixed already btw

it was ok because it's hard to make it perfect

Also "castle" design has kinda bad contrast and the brick background is a bit distracting

what would you suggest to do with the bricks background?

bushes design fix

Make it a bit more transparent or decrease contrast and add some contrast between freeze/tele

castle bricks color changed

I did it on purpose to make sure you cannot fail the part

how to skip?

just both go up

you can hook the other guy

like my hookline on screenshot

skip fixed

$ready 4

Don't you wanna put some sort of logo or credit on your map?

I'm too lazy and logo/credit doesn't matter anyway

My credits will be in /mapinfo

You don't have to hammer though wall now

hammer through wall is always random for me :/

activate windows

windows is shit

I use it only to play assasins creed

can you put more stuff in hd

especially the brick midground could still be distracting for some so being able to remove it is a good idea

ok I'm going to make bg less distracting today

better bg. everything in hd

do you have stats how many players actually use that "details" feature?

would be good to know



why xd

lol I've a bind and use it on every map again, so maybe 10 times per hour

ye but I guess 75% players don't even know that they can disable graphics because teeworlds already have poor graphics compared to any other game

"poor graphics" its just simple graphics

yes your word choice sounds better

Cracked version of Windows

that's not cracked. You just download windows from official website and don't activate it

i remember when i had bad pc i used no detail feature for run smooth ! Can see in my very old videos .