this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

played with
- end is shit how people need to know that you need to take cp 18 and go over all cp16 and throw both and get tele over map to take jetpack .

That part of the shotgun has to hit with the hammer to pass the laser

fix all other stuff before you post


I fix many bugs, including those mentioned

now i get why it's hard to test again and again , i don't want to test this map again lmao

Small visual changes :D

14x entities off b4 start

Various parts of the maps changed, fixes various bugs.

all ?

this hurts me

I was making some changes and created another last part of the map

I played this map with FeaRZ and we thought this

The gameplay is good, we like the design too. And we found that errors (at least, for us). I hope that we help with this feedback. Good luck man 😄


still 14x entities off b4 start

u need max 3

better 2 - one at the logo and one at the '2 player' info

and its team forced map, the noobfilter kinda useless here

cyber bully

u use way too much to teles everywhere

use just 2x

or just 1x when u have a solo part or a drag part

the 2 solo parts at the beginning are cheatable, 1 tee gets laser and goes down again afterwards

you can get shotgun and then go to tele 25 and get both laser ( there is no stopper ) by hammering one tee in to tp

i don't think this map is releasable because not much thought was put into the parts -> this is reflected by all the cheats. even if everything is fixed, the parts are kept very simple and basic, i personally only liked a small part of one part. try to come up with more creative parts in the next map, and think about how you could cheat parts


if one of the
disagrees he can try to make this map releasable

At least it's better then my 1st map