this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

best map

wtf have u even played it yet

but its probably a good map

best map

breast map

the iper puzzle

i have

but only the first few parts

and watching them do the rest

Quick test with Sorah, fixed some stupid mistakes I made XD

Finding someone with a brain to play this will be hard

I have a brain, but i don't have skill.

Tbh more skill=understanding more mechanics=more brain

Some fail prevention added.

Many updates and fixes, prevented some small skips and hopefully prevented all silly fails.

Fixed another small skip.

Change map size to 666kb

not funny

But worth it haha XD

Thanks for the test
@DarkOort, fixed the cheat you found 🙂

Made some updates but need to test and trashmap SA is down xD

lan server owo

not soloable need help 🙂

port forward? :D

this easier XD

or worried about ip


Bit of both XD

Very cool map, I enjoyed the testing yesterday 🙂

Fixed some more XD

send demo where you solo

no need

i saw it

then its very specific

u can move the door 19

i spawn into 21 (still deep) when i touch the cp teles


The solo jump we thought was impossible due but maybe it is possible with a very precise jump. We are happy to leave it in due to it's difficulty, dont thing it detracts much from the part. We wanted that trolly jump there.
Didn't add a cp but added undeep to tele 21.
Added the double telegun XD you talked us into it.
The part near end never really needed that way around it was included to add some confusion to the way its done.
Shields at the end are not on tele just to allow you to get back into map with weapons after finishing.


Map done 🙂

Should finally be good XD

$ready 3

ohhhhhh no xD

and so it begins XD thanks again for the tests