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short map

and better details maybe

yes im very glad i could play that! 🙂

Doesn't matter, it's a fun map.

It's not solo.

i gotta test it still




is the spoiler not different lol


not different

ddnet bot didnt see it

noob map (aka wii bowling)

u tested?

no sorry :(

was at work and i gotta do house stuff before i leave tmr for a flight

this bowling map is kinda boring and also doesnt have a pleasing design. also i dont understand why u get a strike when u clearly dont hit the first one xd ofc it can be a coincidence if it happens but here u always get a strike even when u dont even hit the first one and as darkoort already mentioned, the bowling by pipou is way better in gameplay and design than this


i like end if you wouldn't able to move